Hardware Reference Guide
Document Edition: 1.0
Document #: 715-0101
SST-DN4-PCU Hardware Referen ce Guide
©2009 Molex Inc.Automation & Electrical Products, Integrated Products Division
Document Edition: 1.0, Document #: 715-0101, Template Edition: 1.1, Template #: QMS-06-045
Use, duplication or disclosure of this document or any of the information contained herein is subject to the restrictions on page ii of this document.
Document Edition: 1.0
Date: March 26, 2009
This document applies to the SST-DN4-PCU interface card.
Copyright ©2009 Molex Inc.Automation & Electrical Products, Integrated Products Division
This document and its contents are the proprietary and confidential property of Woodhead
Industries Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and may not be used or disclosed to others without the
express prior written consent of Woodhead Industries Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
SST is a trademark of Woodhead Software & Electronics. All other trade names are trademarks
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At Woodhead, we strive to ensure accuracy in our documentation. However, due to rapidly
evolving products, software or hardware changes occasionally may not be reflected in our
documents. If you notice any inaccuracies, please contact us (see Appendix D of this document).
Written and designed at Woodhead Software & Electronics, 50 Northland Road,
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1N3.
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