Prototype Tool Machining with TC760X
needed a tooling board that offered a higher service temperature and an improved machining
environment, whilst maintaining the toughness and durability required for manufacturing precision
Prototyping requires moving between metal and epoxy boards on the milling machine, creating a large
amount of dust that requires extensive extraction and a lengthy clean-up process, taking time to complete.
“We needed a solution that offered toughness, durability and stability, allowing us to fabricate high
tolerance parts and multipiece tools that not only hold their tolerances but also give the desired nish.”
Stuart Marshall Co-founder and CEO of Urbineer
design, engineer and manufacture composite prototype and technical demonstrator parts for the
aerospace industry, with expertise in advanced lightweight composite airframes and structures. Finding the
right tooling board material is vital for this industry as absolute precision and high performance is key.
While machining with different tools, Urbineer
found that the TC760X board would slice the material
resulting in akes instead of creating the large amounts of dust that typical epoxy boards produce, even
during aggressive roughing passes on the CNC milling machine. This made for a much cleaner machining
environment and reduced clean-up time.
By using indexable inserts on the machine cutter, Urbineer
discovered TC760X did not chip at the edges
and the roughing passes could be accomplished efciently, reducing the time on the mill with limited wear
to the cutters.
“I have used Trelleborg tooling boards for many years and was excited about the advantages that
TC760X offered. There was no learning curve required and the dust free machining environment and
surface nish that we were able to achieve will make us a long-term user.” Stuart Marshall Co-founder
and CEO of Urbineer
Typically, epoxy tooling boards require several hours of manual sanding to achieve a high-quality nish, with
the risk of potentially changing the surface prole tolerance by hand sanding. Using TC760X, Urbineer
able to produce a machined nish tool that requires minimal post-mill sanding, ensuring the surface prole
remains unchanged.
An additional benet of using TC760X was the machined nish achieved with reduced mill passes; the tool
only required a few coats of sealer compared to the usual 8 or 9 to achieve a high gloss nish. Tools could
then be released to use for direct to part manufacturing, speeding up the overall production time.
The high Glass Transition Temperature (Tg) of TC760X allows Urbineer
to direct cut tooling and not be
limited to prepreg part materials with low initial curing capabilities. The high Tg of +140 OC (Tg is the
temperature at which the material transitions from its glass state to a rubbery state) means parts can be
cured at typical aerospace temperatures, without tool degradation, providing a faster curing time.
We fabricate high tolerance parts from tooling and TC760X has the durability and toughness to
make multipiece tools that not only hold the tolerances but the desired nish directly on the mill. The
toughness and durability of the TC760X material enables us to create the sharp edges needed to match
tool sections together.” Stuart Marshall Co-founder and CEO of Urbineer
“I appreciate when companies like Trelleborg keep developing products that increase the quality and
performance that we are able to offer our customers”. Stuart Marshall Co-founder and CEO of Urbineer