AN1117: Migrating the Zigbee HA Profile
to Zigbee 3.0
This document is provided to assist developers who are migrat-
ing their Zigbee HA projects to Zigbee 3.0. It discusses the spe-
cifics of changing configurations to Zigbee 3.0. It then discusses
the configuration required for interoperability with legacy devices
and networks. This document applies only to Zigbee EmberZ-
Net SDK v 6.x and lower.
Migrating the EmberZNet Stack
Updating ZCL Clusters
New and removed plugins
Generation and rebuilding
Interoperability | Building a more connected world. Copyright © 2021 by Silicon Laboratories Rev. 0.3
1. Introduction
Zigbee 3.0 unites most of the different application profiles, such as HA (Home Automation) and ZLL (Zigbee Light Link), into one com-
mon application layer. Furthermore, it introduces greater test coverage for product certification, ensuring better interoperability for Zig-
bee devices in the field. The Zigbee 3.0 document suite contains both revised and completely new material for the Zigbee application
specification. For more information, see UG103.02: Zigbee Fundamentals. As of this writing, the Zigbee Smart Energy profile is not in-
cluded in Zigbee 3.0.
This document first describes the changes to the AppBuilder configurations to make an HA profile project into a Zigbee 3.0 project. It
then specifically discusses the configuration required for interoperability with legacy devices.
AN1117: Migrating the Zigbee HA Profile to Zigbee 3.0
Introduction | Building a more connected world. Rev. 0.3 | 2