© 2021 Copyright Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved June 2021
Technology demands by enterprises and individuals worldwide increase as
the digital transformation of all aspects of life continues. The generation of
massive amounts of data continues to grow, which means new solutions are
needed that allow employees and the public to quickly make better and
faster decisions and participate in the global economy.
As a larger share of all data continues to be generated at the Edge, new
technologies, both hardware and software, are needed to acquire, filter, and
make autonomous decisions about that data before a select subset of it is
sent to a central data center. Computing power is appearing everywhere, and
a range of new systems is required for different workloads. While a single
form factor cannot address all computing needs, systems can be designed
using common building blocks that respond to demands with low latencies
and high bandwidths. A continuum of computing power from trusted
vendors allows large-scale infrastructure systems to be built and deployed
with a high degree of confidence and reliability.
While the performance of CPUs continues to grow and can quickly meet
many enterprise computing requirements, certain domains, such as HPC and
AI, require technologies that work in parallel and software stacks that can
take advantage of thousands of computing elements to work together. These
applications require the maximum number of CPU cores working together
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................ 1
Wide Range of Products for Varying
Workloads ................................................... 2
How 3
Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processor
Enhances Workloads and Highlights ......... 3
Supermicro Products Are Designed for
Demanding Customers............................... 4
Supermicro Networking Solutions .......... 17
Supermicro Intelligent Management ....... 17
How Did We Do It? .................................... 18
Additional Data Centers Requirements for
Improved Performance ............................ 18
Performance / Power over time (Intel
chart). Why this is important to data
centers. ..................................................... 19
Summary .................................................. 20
Resources ................................................. 20
Introduction ................................. 1
Wide Range of Products& Workloads
...................................................... 2
How 3
Gen Intel Xeon Scalable
Processors Enhance Workloads . 3
3rd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable Processor
Highlights .................................... 5
Supermicro X12 Products ........... 6
Application Benefits Summary . 12
As a global leader in high performance, high
efficiency server technology and innovation, we
develop and provide end-to-end green
computing solutions to the data center, cloud
computing, enterprise IT, big data, HPC, and
embedded markets. Our Building Block
Solutions® approach allows us to provide a
broad range of SKUs, and enables us to build
and deliver application-optimized solutions
based upon your requirements.
© 2021 Copyright Super Micro Computer, Inc. All rights reserved June 2021
and specialized accelerators that have been designed for a smaller class of applications. Fast internal networking between the
components and state-of-the-art communication between systems allows innovative organizations to explore new algorithms
while minimizing power usage and thus costs.
Supermicro designs and manufactures a wide range of servers and storage systems deployed from the Edge to hyperscale
data centers. Different form factors with varying amounts of CPUs, memory capacity, storage types and capacity, and
environmental considerations are engineered and delivered by Supermicro. The key to offering so many different systems is
advanced engineering and teaming with leading-edge CPU manufacturers, such as Intel.
As CPUs run faster, with more cores, more heat is generated. Supermicro designs systems that efficiently remove this heat,
lowering cooling costs and allowing CPUs to run all the way up to their maximum thermal design power (TDP). With a design
philosophy that enables customers to upgrade individual components, whether CPUs, RAM, storage, or I/O devices, users can
choose to replace only what needs to be updated, reducing E-Waste while using the latest and most efficient components.
AI workloads require optimized systems that incorporate the proper hardware and tuning software to deliver maximum
performance at a given price point. To provide value to end users, a solution needs to contain a choice of CPUs, GPUs, and the
proper software stack. Various aspects such as the numbers of cores, communication latency between cores, GHz, and which
generation of CPU architectures can influence benchmark performance of real-world AI applications.
In this white paper, we take an in-depth look at Supermicro latest X12 portfolio of server are storage systems and how these
systems help organizations thrive in today's digital landscape.
Wide Range of Products for Varying Workloads
Supermicro's customers span many industries, with some common objectives:
Ability to meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Whether servicing employees or end-user customers, the CPU and
I/O systems' responses are expected to fall within a specific time range.
Provide new services to customers As customers demand new services, which may run partially on edge devices as
"apps," organizations must set up the back-end infrastructure to handle and respond to more data and processing
than ever before.
Reduce costs with more powerful systems Some workloads do not increase at the same rate as new processors'
computational and I/O power do. New CPUs allow them to reduce their costs by assigning more work to lesser
systems for these organizations.
Enable new insights By taking advantage of the latest CPU designs, scientists, engineers, and data analytics
professionals can gain new insights and simulate physical systems with more accuracy.
Various workloads are all addressed by the Supermicro X12 servers and storage systems. These include:
Cloud Designing and implementing a cloud solution requires a wide range of optimized products for different
workloads, not just for environments where the price-performance of the compute aspect is most important. Storage
and networking are also critical for a productive and cost-effective cloud data center.
5G/Telco The rapid development and installation of 5G networks drive demand for fast CPUs resilient to the
environment. Systems need to be efficiently cooled while performing full analytics. The new X12 lineup provides
significantly more computing power per watt with reduced cooling requirements.