How to configure IP masquerading on the OpenBAT - 1
How to configure IP masquerading on the OpenBAT
This lesson describes step by step how to configure IP masquerading on OpenBAT frequently
used to connect autonomous systems (AS).
We'll use for that a simple example:
A BAT configured as Access Client (Autonomous System) connected on a BAT configured as
Access point (External).
On the BAT client (AS) Laptop1 and Laptop2 are connected to ETH-1
Laptop 1: IP address: | Mask: | GW:
Laptop 2: IP address: | Mask: | GW:
On THE BAT AP Laptop3 is connected to ETH-1
IP address: | Mask: | No gateway
When devices in the AS communicate with devices on the external side, their address is
translated and take the BAT Client external interface address.
In our example, and are tranlated into
As the IP masquerading configuration is done on the client only, this lesson describes only the
client configuration
LANconfig is used as configuration tool.
Rel 9.10 at least is required on the OpenBAT client
How to configure IP masquerading on the OpenBAT - 2
System Design OpenBAT
The scheeme above represents the internal system design of the HiLCOS products.
IP masquerading is only possible between a LAN and a WAN interface. Given that the OpenBAT
doesn't have a dedicated WAN interface (a physical DSL port for example) we'll have to define a
physical LAN or WLAN interface as WAN interface assigning it a DSL usage.
Without this system design view, the configuration may seem tricky (why go in DSL settings to
configure IP masquerading ???) but actually it is logical if we have in mind this view similar to all
HiLCOS products, knowing that the OpenBAT doesn't have a fixed WAN interface.