User Guide
© Copyright 2020, Belden Inc. 2020-06-24 1 of 5
BAT-C2 - How to access the Debug Shell
Upload the Debug Shell Module .............................................................................................................. 2
Enter the reserved Port ............................................................................................................................ 2
Add the application ................................................................................................................................... 3
Connect via PuTTY ................................................................................................................................... 4
Verify Success ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Appendix A: ....................................................................................................................... 5
User Guide
© Copyright 2020, Belden Inc. 2 of 5
BAT-C2 - How to access the Debug Shell
This guide explains how to open access to the underlying linux shell in order to debug python
modules quicker and easier.
WARNING: This debug shell provides no authentication and no encryption. It is only intended for
development purposes!
Upload the Debug Shell Module
1. Open the webinterface and go to the "Filesystem" tab
2. "Browse" the folder
3. "Choose File" should point to the "" delivered alongside this manual (or in the
annex). Then click "Upload"
4. Verify that the file shows up in the list
Enter the reserved Port
1. Go to the "Administration" tab in the webinterface
2. Select the "Applications" menu
3. Enter the Reserved Port 10023 and reserve only 1 port