Example: Characterization of Planar Waveguides
• Manufacturing test
• Quality control
• Diagnose production issues
• Characterize and analyze designs
Validate models and improve
• Passive optical components and
modules - lters, PLCs, AWGs,
MUX/DEMUX, splitters, gratings,
WSS, ROADMs, etc.
Silicon Photonics
and PIC Testing
The fastest and most complete
characterization of silicon photonics and PICs
Lunas unique test systems, based on optical frequency-domain reectometry
(OFDR), deliver accuracy and speed for testing modern integrated optical
“See Inside” Components with 10 μm Resolution
Lunas ultra-high resolution reectometers oer backscatter-level sensitivity
for unprecedented distributed loss analysis of passive components.
Complete Component Characterization with Single Instrument
Lunas Optical Vector Analyzer (OVA) measures a passive component’s linear
transfer function (Jones Matrix) with a single scan, yielding insertion loss (IL),
group delay (GD), chromatic dispersion (CD), polarization mode dispersion
(PMD), polarization dependent loss (PDL), and other critical parameters.
Lightwave Component Analyzer for High-Speed Manufacturing Test
The Luna 6415 combines high-speed and high-resolution reectometer
measurements with the ability to also analyze IL in transmission, making it
ideal for high-throughput manufacturing test and quality control.
Planar optical waveguides, a key
building block of silicon photonic
platforms, present several
unique measurement challenges,
including greater losses per unit
length and high polarization
Lunas swept laser interferometric technology is able to
scan the device and trace reectivity along the length of
the waveguide with sub-mm detail and fully characterize
the optical path. For this example waveguide grating, the
time domain trace allows easy identication of the facet and
grating reections.
Using the Luna analysis software, you can select only the
grating reection and easily observe the dierent TM and TE
polarization eects in the spectral response. Otherwise, the
overall spectral response (shown in red trace on bottom plot)
is dominated by the large facet reections.
The time domain response clearly shows the large facet reections
and grating reection of the silicon photonic waveguide.
Spectral analysis of only the grating reection (blue trace), selected
via the time domain response, easily identies the grating peaks.
The overall response of the waveguide is shown by the red trace.
Facet Reections
TM Response
TE Response
Lightwave Component Analyzer
Luna 6415
High speed analyzer for production
test and quality control
Reectometer and transmission
analyzer combined in single
Measure distributed loss versus
length with very high resolution
Spectral analysis of transmission and
reection paths
Optical Backscatter Reectometer
OBR 4600
Unprecedented visibility into the
details of silicon photonics, PICs
and ber optic components
10 μm resolution; -140 dB sensitivity
Waveguide scattering and loss
easily measured and analyzed
Skew measurements with sub-
picosecond resolution
Optical Vector Analyzer
OVA 5100
Complete characterization of waveguide
devices and components
Full polarization analysis without need for
polarization controller or aligned PM ber
Instantaneous measurement of
IL, RL, PDL, PMD, TE/TM states, phase,
waveguide scatter, and more in
a single fast scan
CompTest REV3 05.28.21
Advanced Test Suite for Silicon Photonics and PICs
Component Test
OVA 5100
Optical Vector
Optical Backscatter
Luna 6415
Component Analyzer
Wavelength band C & L, O C & L, O C
Insertion loss (IL), return loss (RL)
Polarization (PDL, PMD)
Track polarization states
Phase measurements
Group delay,
Phase derivative
Transmission mode measurements
Reection mode measurements
Spectral domain analysis
Max spatial sampling resolution 20 μm 10 μm 20 μm
Max measurement length (in reection) 75 m 70/2000 m
200 m
High-speed scanning
Lunas family of advanced optical test and measurement products are based on optical frequency domain
reectometry (OFDR) and deliver industry leading dynamic range, resolution and speed.