Product Brochure
Version 01.00
One graphical scripting tool for
It is impossible to underestimate the significance of auto-
mated testing in the wireless industry. Countless tools,
apps and automation frameworks have been developed
for such testing because it is so important and the num-
ber of applications is so vast. When testing with the 5G
R&S®CMX500 radio communication tester, an automated
testing tool covers all aspects of 5G testing is mission criti-
cal, whether for FR1 RF parameteric tests, FR2 OTA mea-
surements or E2E maximum IPthroughput.
Historically, separate tools/applications with nothing in
common and completely disconnected from one another
have addressed various testing areas. This means every-
thing may be different, including the user interface and
the type of user configuration, the handling of DUT auto-
mation and test plans and the way results are generated.
Such unparalleled variations often make the user learning
curve difficult and steep. Even when using the same net-
work emulator, an enormous amount of time and effort
have to be invested in learning the different tools to con-
figure and test hardware functions, reducing efficiency.
New era in graphically creating and executing tests
History need not repeat itself. Rohde & Schwarz offers a
single graphical scripting application for automated 5G
testing that covers any testing, automation and result
management needs. Thanks to the unique, intuitive and
flexible graphical user interface, R&S®CMX500 users never
have to deal with multiple tools. Handling different testing
use cases with a unified user interface flattens the learn-
ing curve and opens up opportunities to move beyond the
testing limits imposed by fragmented applications.
The future will have a more unified approach, where all
necessary functions for any kind of 5G testing are available
from a single graphical user interface.
With R&S®CMsquares sequencer or just
R&S®CMsequencer, Rohde & Schwarz provides unique
and intuitive ways to create test sequences for a wide
range of test use cases, including 5G RF parametric test-
ing, 3GPP RF testing, protocol verification and E2E IP test-
ing. Working seamlessy with R&S®CMsquares interactive
mode, R&S®CMsequencer makes it simple to create and
execute test scripts and test plans in an automated envi-
ronment. Users build tests by arranging color coded func-
tional blocks one after the other, making the whole pro-
cess child’s play. 5G testing has never been easier.
The R&S®CMsequencer is a graphical scripting interface that creates, configures and executes test scripts
R&S®CMsequencer, well nested in web
based R&S®CMsquares, brings the right
graphical scripting.