www.NICcomp.com | Environmental Support: rohs@niccomp.com
April 1, 2021
RE: Compliance for European REACH Regulation 211 SVHC and SCIP
NIC Components Corp is aware of REACH as a European Community regulation on chemicals. Currently NIC
Components Corp supports the underlying goals of REACH, which are consistent with our own commitment
to promote the responsible manufacturing, use and handling of hazardous materials and substances.
Registration of Substances:
After careful review of the legislation and specifically the definition of an “article as defined in EC
Regulation 1907/2006, Title II, Chapter 1, Article 7.1(a)(b), it is our current view NIC Components products
would be considered as “articles”. In light of the definition in §7.1(b) which requires registration of an article only
if it contains a regulated substance that is intended to be released under normal or reasonably foreseeable
conditions of use,” Our analysis is that NIC Components products constitute non-registrable articles for their
intended and anticipated use.
Correspondence with Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC 211):
Per the candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) published January 19, 2021 NIC Components
Corp. has reviewed these substances and certify all NIC Components series and component packaging are not
intentionally used, human exposure to SVHC materials is not expected, sum of SVHC material is less than one ton
per year, and compliant per the EU “REACH requirements of less than 0.1% (w/w) for each substance. In addition,
NIC complies with the restrictions stated in Annex XVII of REACH.
NIC Components Corp. products do not contain substances of very High concern SVHC above the 0.1%
threshold. If SVHCs are contained in the series sold to your company, the SVHC is named below and the
concentration of weight/weight (w/w) of the SVHC is listed. NIC Components Corp is in compliance with
the related requirements of European Union Regulation (ECl 1907/2006.
The list below will need to declare for REACH SVHC >0.1%.
Series Name of Component CAS # PPM Concentration
Glass with Lead Compound
Glass with Lead Compound
Glass with Lead Compound
Glass with Lead Compound
If new SVHC candidates are published by the European Chemicals Agency, and relevant substances have been
confirmed, that exceeds greater than 0.1% (w/w), NIC Components will provide updated compliance status.
Prepared by the NIC Components Environmental Compliance Group
For any questions or comments regarding REACH, or any other environmental programs, please contact the
Environmental Group at rohs@niccomp.com or visit www.niccomp.com/rohs
(Authorized representative of NIC Components)
Name: Jim Wright
Title: VP, Engineering
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