July 31, 2019 transphormusa.com
Firmware Guide
TDTTP2500P100: 2.5kW Bridge-less Totem-pole PFC Evaluation Board
Part 1: Getting started with the code
The design files and source code for the TDTTP2500P100 2.5kW bridge-less totem-pole PFC kit can be found at
transphormusa.com/tdttp2500p100 and includes the complete project. The following instructions can be used to load and
build the project on your computer for inspection or modification of the code. To take maximum advantage of the existing
firmware, the TDTTP2500P100 firmware is based on an open-source design from Texas Instruments (TI). Full documentation of
the TI kit and firmware is available from TI as part of the controlSUITE package.
Figure 1. TTTP2500P100 0v1 2.5kW bridge-less totem-pole PFC evaluation board
Installing Code Composer Studio and Control Suite
Code Composer Studio v7 is an integrated development environment based on the Eclipse open source framework and is
available at processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Download_CCS.
July 31, 2019 transphormusa.com
Firmware Guide
1. Install Texas Instruments Code Composer v7.x
2. The controlSUITE package is not required to work with the firmware but a great deal of documentation is provided with it; to
download, go to ti.com/tool/controlsuite and run the controlSUITE installer, following these steps:
Step 1
Step 2