尊敬的先生/ 女士 ���
基于对产品持续优化的目的,我们对PT 4-QUATTRO系列壳体做了变更,变更之后将不再与PE版本共用壳体
,因此取消了电气沟槽。此次变更不会对操作,顶视图,电气性能及附件产生影响,新旧版本可以混合使用。 详
Dear Sir or Madam:
For the purpose of continuously optimizing the product, we have made changes to the PT 4-QUATTRO
series housing. After the change, the housing will no longer be shared with the PE version, so the
electrical groove has been eliminated. This change will not affect the operation, top view,
electrical performance and accessories. The old and new versions can be mixed.
Presumable first despatch of the changed product(s) is 11 - 01 - 2021 . Existing inventory can
still be used before the old version is sold out. If you wish to purchase new or old version,
please feel free to contact our local sales for consultation.
If you have any issues with this product disontinuation, please contact with our coordinaotr.
Contact person: Han jiangzai, Tel: 025-52121888-8428, Email: hanjiangzai@phoenixcontact.com.cn. We
look forward to supporting you.
Thanks for your understanding and look forward to continue our good cooperation.
更改前的产品/ Current production state 更改后的产品/ New production state
变更产品清单/ List of changed products:
Article No.
Article Description
3211802 PT 4-QUATTRO BU
3211797 PT 4-QUATTRO
1110405 PT 4-QUATTRO OG