AN0042 PSL range with Termination Issue 1 CN# P109680
PSL range with
The PSL range already provides a high quality component suitable for
demanding applications such as power supplies, DC-DC converters and LED
lighting. Thus with the addition of a termination material specifically
designed to absorb greater levels of mechanical stress and the reduction of
capacitor failures associated with mechanical cracking, the PSL range is
PSL range with FlexiCap
Introduction ..................................................................... 2
Queens Award for Innovation ................................................................................. 3
Benefits of Using FlexiCap
.................................................................................... 4
Customer Assembly Process Requirements .............................................................. 5
PSL with FlexiCap
Test Summary .......................................................................... 6
PSL range ............................................................................................................ 7
Additional Information ........................................................................................... 9
Syfer Technology Limited, Old Stoke Road,
Arminghall, Norwich, Norfolk, NR14 8SQ,
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1603 723300
Tel. (Sales): 01603 723310
Fax: +44 (0) 1603 723301
Application Note
Reference No.
AN0042 ��� PSL range
with FlexiCap
Issue 1
Page 2 of 9
AN0042 PSL range with Termination Issue 1 CN# P109680
PSL range with FlexiCap
Syfer Technology Ltd introduced FlexiCap
in 1999 and became the first multilayer capacitor
manufacturer to offer a flexible termination to customers. This type of termination has proven to be
very successful as customers realize the benefits and also as demonstrated by other capacitor
manufacturers subsequently introducing flexible terminations, some with very similar names to
The PSL range with FlexiCap
refers to a flexible termination material that is applied over a sintered
termination. The FlexiCap
material is a silver loaded epoxy polymer that is applied using conventional
termination techniques and then cured at 180ºC. Following the curing process, components are
processed through the same manufacturing, test and inspection stages when compared with a
standard PSL component.
Picture taken at 1000x
magnification using a SEM showing
a fracture section through a
capacitor termination.
The picture demonstrates the
fibrous nature of the FlexiCap
termination that absorbs greater
levels of mechanical stress when
compared with standard sintered
Fig 1. Capacitor Construction
Outer Layer
Fired Ceramic
Base Layer