NI PXI-8250
NI PXI System Monitor Module
This document describes how to install and configure the NI PXI-8250.
Software Installation
The NI PXI-8250 ships with NI System Monitor software that includes the
driver for the module. Although this software offers programmatic access
to the information reported by the card, it is not required to operate the six
system status LEDs, the relay, or the power rail connections on the front
panel. Refer to the NI System Monitor Help for specific installation
Notes The NI PXI-8250 will not be visible in Measurement & Automation Explorer
(MAX) after proper installation. You can see the module in Windows Device Manager
if the System Monitor driver is installed and Device Manager has been refreshed.
When adding or removing an NI PXI-8250 module from a Windows XP/2000/NT system,
you must be logged on with administrator-level permission.
Hardware Installation
The following instructions are for general module installation in the
specified chassis. Consult the PXI chassis user manual for a given chassis
for chassis-specific instructions and warnings related to installation or
module configuration.
NI PXI-8250 Installation Guide 2
Cautions The NI PXI-8250 module may sustain damage or inflict damage on adjacent
modules if improperly installed.
Proper slot selection is required for the operation of this module. If the module is installed
in any other slot, the module will not operate and could potentially cause other adjacent
modules to not operate. Appendix A, Specifications, of the NI PXI-8250 User Manual lists
the typical power required for the NI PXI-8250 module.
The NI PXI-8250 is a sensitive electronic device shipped in an antistatic bag. Open only at
an approved workstation and observe precautions for handling electrostatic-sensitive
Note Install the NI PXI-8250 in only the right-most slot of an NI PXI-1042/1042Q
or NI PXI-1045. Hence, the NI PXI-8250 should only be installed in slot 8 of an
NI PXI-1042/1042Q chassis or slot 18 of an NI PXI-1045 chassis.
Complete the following steps to install the NI PXI-8250 module.
1. Power off and unplug the chassis.
Caution To protect yourself and the computer from electrical hazards, the chassis must
remain unplugged until the installation is complete.
2. Locate the rightmost (last numbered) slot of the NI PXI-1042/1042Q
or NI PXI-1045 chassis and ensure it is unused. If occupied, relocate
the module or remove the filler panel. Refer to Figure 1 for the location
of this slot on the NI PXI-1042/1042Q chassis, and Figure 2 for the
location of this slot on the NI PXI-1045 chassis.
Figure 1. Location of NI PXI-1042Q Slot for NI PXI-8250 Support
NI PXI-1042Q
Slot 8