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Document No.
Confidential C
08 REV.9
-SS Connector
Part No. Plug: 20380-***T-**, Receptacle: 20374-***E-**-*
Product Specification
Qualification Test Report No. TR-04037
16 S19375 June 11, 2019 K.Hara T.Masunaga H.Ikari
15 S18454 July 20, 2018 H.Aoki Y.Shimada
14 S17696 September 8, 2017
R.Hoshino H.Tagomori M.Takemoto
13 S15512 November 16, 2015
R.Hoshino K.Narita
Rev. ECN Date Prepared by Checked by Approved by
SS Connector
Product Specification
Document No.
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Confidential C
1. 適応範囲/Scope
本規格は、コンタクトピッチ 0.4 mm の基板対ワイヤーコネクタであ CABLINE-SS コネクタの性能と試験条件について規定する。
This Product Specification defines the test conditions and the performances of the CABLINE-SS Connector, a
wire-to-board connector of 0.4 mm contact pitch.
2. 製品名称及び製品型番/Product Name and Parts No.
2.1 製品名称/Product Name
2.2 製品型番/Parts No.
(1) CABLINE-SS PLUG FOR CABLE ASS’Y (Part No. 20380-***T-**)
・CABLINE-SS PLUG HOUSING ASS’Y (Part No. 20373-***T-0*-*)
・CABLINE-SS METAL COVER (Part No. 2182-0**-0**)
(2) CABLINE-SS RECEPTACLE ASS’Y (Part No. 20374-***E-**-*)
3. 定格/Rating
3.1 適応ケーブル/Applicable Cable
AWG#42, #40, #36, #34
3.2 使用条件/Operating Conditions
電流/Amperage: 0.24A AC/DC [AWG#42](apply to all pins)
0.25A AC/DC [AWG#40](apply to all pins
0.30A AC/DC [AWG#40](maximum 32pins. / for POWER)
0.35A AC/DC [AWG#36](apply to all pins
0.40A AC/DC [AWG#36](maximum 37pins. / for POWER)
0.35A AC/DC [AWG#34](apply to all pins
1.00A AC/DC [AWG#34](maximum 2 pins. / for POWER)
※AWG#36: Micro-Coax cable and Discrete cable
※AWG#34: Discrete cable only
Contact us before applying amperage other than the above.
電圧/Voltage: 100V AC (per a contact)
使用温度/Operating temperature: 233~358K(-40℃~85℃)
(通電による温度上昇含む/Containing temperature rise by current)
使用湿度/Operating humidity: 85% max
3.3 保管条件/Storage Conditions
保管温度/Storage temperature: 248~333K(-25℃~60℃)
保管湿度/Storage humidity: 85% max. (結露無きこと/Non-condensing)
保管期間/Storage period:
開封前/Before opening ・・・ 製品納入後 1 年/1 year after product is delivered.
開封後は速やかに使用の事/After opening, use it as soon as possible.
4. 試験及び性能/Test and Performance
試験条件/Test Condition
特に指定のない限り、測定と試験は、MIL-STD-202 基づき以下の条件で行う
This initial test is equal to it’s at shipping condition and unless otherwise specified, all tests and
measurements shall be performed under the following conditions in accordance with MIL-STD-202.
温度/Temperature… 288 K~308 K(15 ℃~35 ℃)
気圧/Pressure… 866 hPa~1066 hPa(650 mmHg~800 mmHg
相対湿度/Relative humidity… 45~75 %R.H.