Product Catalog
7,500+ products
across 27 product lines
400+ new products
every year
Minimal end-of-life
and low returns
Peace of Mind
Quality and reliability are in our DNA.
That’s why the world’s largest and most
innovative technology companies recognize
Mini-Circuits as a top supplier year after
year. When failure isn’t an option, customers
trust us because they know our products
perform as expected. They also know
that no supplier does more than we
do to protect them from supply chain
disruptions and product obsolescence.
We’ve built a reputation with our policy
to provide product support through the
life of your system and minimize end-of-
life for every product in active use. That
trust, and the peace of mind that comes
with it, sets us apart from the rest.
Mini-Circuits is the only supplier in
the industry that gives you the in-stock
selection and convenience of a catalog
company with the technical capabilities
of a custom house and leading
manufacturer. With 27 product lines
comprising 7,500+ models in stock
and growing, chances are we have the
right part for your needs. For everything
else, we put the full capability of our
world-class design and manufacturing
facilities to work for you. From special
screening requirements to fully custom
components and integrated assemblies,
our engineers work with you every step
of the way with competitive pricing and
fast turnaround.
Selection Meets Solutions Constant Innovation
For over 50 years, we’ve grown with the
industry by adapting to your needs. With
hundreds of new catalog releases each
year, a growing portfolio of active patents,
and recent investments in new design
facilities and world-class technical talent,
we’re not just keeping up with the pace
of innovation—we’re setting it.
Service Beyond Normal
When you choose Mini-Circuits, you’re
getting more than the right part for
your system. You’re getting the right
partner for your long-term success.
Our commitment to you means same-
day shipping with on-time delivery,
short lead times, easy access to
knowledgeable engineering support,
local reps and service anywhere in the
world—everything you expect from a
good partner. With 20,000+ customers,
we know that every customers needs
are unique, so we go beyond normal
expectations to collaborate with our
customers in solving problems and
getting results.
The World’s Preferred Supplier
from DC to mmWave