Data Brief Block Diagram
STM32Cube Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
STM32 Nucleo development board
STM32 Nucleo expansion boards
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 (Sense)
Complete firmware to develop an IoT node with BLE connectivity, environmental
and motion sensors
Middleware libraries for sensor data fusion and accelerometer-based real-time
activity recognition
Compatible with STBLESensor
applications for Android/iOS to perform sensor
data reading and motion algorithm features demo
Sample implementation available for the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 connected to a
Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube
Free, user-friendly license terms
FP-SNS-MOTENVWB1 function pack for STM32Cube lets you connect your IoT
node to a smartphone via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and use a suitable Android or
iOS application such as the STBLESensor app to view real-time motion and
environmental (temperature, relative humidity, carbon monoxide) sensor data.
This package also enables advanced functions such as the sensor data fusion and
accelerometer-based real-time activity recognition.
Together with the suggested combination of STM32WB and other ST devices, it can
be used to develop specific wearable and environmental applications, or smart things
applications in general.
The software runs on the STM32WB microcontroller and includes all the necessary
drivers to recognize the devices on the STM32WB55 Nucleo development board
(P-NUCLEO-WB55) and X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 expansion board.
Product summary
STM32Cube function
pack for STM32WB
with BLE connectivity
and MEMS sensors
Motion MEMS and
environmental sensor
expansion board for
STM32 Nucleo
Bluetooth 5 and
802.15.4 Nucleo Pack
including USB dongle
and Nucleo-68 with
BLE sensor application
for Android and iOS
STM32Cube function pack for STM32WB with BLE connectivity and
environmental and motion sensors
Data brief
DB3966 - Rev 1 - July 2019
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales of
1 Detailed description
1.1 What can you do with STM32Cube function packs?
STM32Cube function packs leverage the modularity and interoperability of STM32 Nucleo and X-NUCLEO
boards together with STM32Cube and X-CUBE software to create function examples for some of the most
common use cases of different application technologies.
These software function packs are designed to exploit the underlying STM32 ODE hardware and software
components as much as possible to best satisfy the requirements of final user applications.
Moreover, function packs may include additional libraries and frameworks that are not present in the original X-
CUBE packages, thus enabling new functionalities allowing real and usable system for developers.
1.2 What is STM32Cube?
STM32Cube is a combination of a full set of PC software tools and embedded software blocks running on STM32
microcontrollers and microprocessors:
STM32CubeMX configuration tool for any STM32 device; it generates initialization C code for Cortex-M
cores and the Linux device tree source for Cortex-A cores
STM32CubeIDE integrated development environment based on open-source solutions like Eclipse or the
GNU C/C++ toolchain, including compilation reporting features and advanced debug features
STM32CubeProgrammer programming tool that provides an easy-to-use and efficient environment for
reading, writing and verifying devices and external memories via a wide variety of available communication
media (JTAG, SWD, UART, USB DFU, I2C, SPI, CAN, etc.)
STM32CubeMonitor family of tools (STM32CubeMonRF, STM32CubeMonUCPD, STM32CubeMonPwr) to
help developers customize their applications in real-time
STM32Cube MCU and MPU packages specific to each STM32 series with drivers (HAL, low-layer, etc.),
middleware, and lots of example code used in a wide variety of real-world use cases
STM32Cube expansion packages for application-oriented solutions
1.3 How does this function pack complement STM32Cube?
This software extends STM32Cube by providing a board support package (BSP) for the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3
expansion board and middleware components for communication with other Bluetooth low energy devices and for
sensor data fusion.
The MotionFX filtering and predictive suite uses advanced algorithms to intelligently integrate multiple MEMS
sensor outputs regardless of environmental conditions, in order to achieve optimal performance. Real-time motion
sensor data fusion is set to increase accuracy, resolution, stability and response time.
The MotionAR real-time software acquires data from the accelerometer to recognize user activities. The software
can also be combined with other human motion recognition algorithms and can significantly improve user
experience in advanced motion-based applications in consumer, computer, industrial and medical fields.
The MotionCP real-time software acquires data from the accelerometer and recognizes the board position (on
desk, on head, near head, shirt pocket, trouser pocket and swinging arm).
The MotionGR real-time software acquires data from the accelerometer and recognizes user gestures (pick-up,
glance and wake-up).
The MotionID real-time software acquires data from the accelerometer to recognize user motion intensity. This
software can be combined with other human motion recognition algorithms to significantly improve user
experience in advanced motion-based applications in the consumer, computer, industrial and medical fields.
The MotionPM real-time software acquires data from accelerometer and counts the number of steps and related
Activity recognition, motion intensity recognition, carry position and gesture recognition are managed through
special software designed for mobile and wearable applications. Their algorithms work with accelerometer data
only to facilitate low power consumption strategies commonly required in these applications, in compliance with
Bluetooth specifications core 5.0 embedded in the P-NUCLEO-WB55.
Detailed description
DB3966 - Rev 1
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