Modeling Device Power Consumption
The following provides a simple method
for modeling the active and static power
consumption of a AT6005 design.
Active Power
Active power consumption is a function
of the distribution of resources in a
design and the numbe r of nets switch ing
each second. The distribution of
resources is calculated by counting the
instances in the design database. The
Integrated Development System (IDS)
reports this information in the list files
generated by programs like placement,
routing and bit stream g eneration. T he
switching of some nets, like clock signals
and flip-flop outputs, is determined by
clock frequency and can be tabulated
exactly. The switching of other nets,
especiall y combinatorial lo gic, is input-
depend ent and no t solely determ ined by
the clock. As a result, the activity of
these nodes can only be estimated.
Combinatorial signals are typically half
as active as the clock. Test vectors rep-
resentative of actual design operation
can give a more accurate calculation.
ViewLogic’s “activity” command calcu-
lates the number of active nodes in a
design during logic simulation.
The equa tion for activ e power co nsump-
tion is as follows:
POWER = Freq uenc y
× (Aa × Ka × Na +
× Kb × Nb + Al × Kl × Nl +
× Kx × Nx + Ac × Kc × Nc +
× Ng + Ai × Ki × Ni + Ao ×
Ko × No) × V
The N coefficients represent the design
resources reported by the IDS:
Na number o f A -t ype ne ts us ed ( ind i-
vidual cell function is not
Nb number o f B -t ype ne ts us ed ( ind i-
vidual cell function is not
Nl number of local-bus type nets
Nx number of express-bus type nets
Nc number of clock columns used
Ng 1 if global clock is used
Ni number of I/O inputs
No number of I/O outputs with no
output load used
The A coefficients represent the esti-
mated activity of combinatorial logic.
The K coefficients represent the weight-
ing factor of each component:
Ka = 2 µA/MHz Kb = 2 µA/MHz
Kl = 4 µA/MHz Kx = 3 µA/MHz
Kc = 100 µA/MHz Kg = 200 µA/MHz
Ki = 4 µA/MHz Ko = 60 µA/MHz
The am ount of activ ity pos sible is base d
on the number of each cell type used.
The AT6005 has the following available:
Na = 3136 Nb = 3136
Nl = 1568 Ne = 1568
Nc = 56 Ng = 1
Ki = 64 (84-pin) or 108 (132-pin)
Ko = 64 (84-pin) or 108 (132-pin)
If every n ode wer e activ e at 10 M H z, th e
devi ce would use a bout 293 m A of cur-
rent (1466 mW).
Gate Array
Rev. 0477C09/99
A more typical ex amp le woul d be:
Na = 2000 Ab = 2000
Al = 1200 Ae = 700
Ac = 27 Ag = 1
Ki = 54 Ko = 54
Yielding an active power consumption of:
POWER = 2000
× 0.5 × 2 + 2000 × 0.5 × 2 + 1200 × 0.5 × 4
+ 300
× 0.5 × 3 + 27 × 1 × 100 + 1 × 1 × 200 + 54
× 0.5 × 4 + 54 × 0.5 × 60
= 11.5 mA/MHz
Or, 115 mA at 10 MHz (575 mW at 10 MHz).
Quiescent Power Consumption
The AT6005 is a CMOS device. Once programmed, the
SRAM used to st ore the configuratio n requires no static
power. The programmable interconnect points use comple-
mentary CMOS pass gates; this insures that all signals
eventually reach V
or GND and dissipate no static power.
There are no passive pull-ups on any internal nodes.
Unused nets and buses are tied to V
and GND, and
dissip ate no p ower. Tri-states wit hout active driver s dissi-
pate some stati c power, but thi s is easily av oid ed.
Static power dissipation, measured after power-up in
modes 1, 2, 3, or 6, but before programming, is 2 mA. After
power-up, the devic e is prog rammed as a large arr ay of
registers with no inputs connected. Modes 4 and 5 gener-
ate a clock output signal. The power dissipation of modes
4 and 5 is 2 mA plus the power dissipat ion of the CCLK
output driver, which is a function of the pins loading capac-
itance. CCLK is typically 1 MHz.
The primary s ource of static power dissipation i s not the
core array, but t he SRAM conf igur ation circu itry. It ha s tw o
blocks which consume static power a pow er su pply volt -
age monitor and an internal oscillator. The voltage monitor
is used to initiate reboot when V
is first applied or when
goes below a c ritical voltage. T he monitor can not be
disabled. The internal oscillator can be turned off by setting
the B5 bit in the configuration register. With B5 set, the
AT6005 dissipates less than 900 µA static power (Table 1).
Power consumption calculation is performed automatically
by the Integrated Design System.
Table 1. AT6005 Static Power Dissipation
Min Typ Max
Modes 1, 2, 3, 6
Measured after reboot
2 mA
Modes 4, 5
With 50p load on CCLK
5 mA
Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
B5 Bit set with CONN = CSN = V
900 µA