Skylab M&C Technology Co., Ltd
SKB376 蓝牙 4.2 模组规格书
SKB376 BLE 4.2 module datasheet
1 / 27 SKB376-DA-001,A/1
SKB376 蓝牙4.2 模组规格书
SKB376 BLE 4.2 Module
文档信 Document information
标题 Title
SKB376 蓝牙4.2 模组规格书
SKB376 BLE 4.2 Module Datasheet
文档类 Document type
规格书 Datasheet
文档编 Document number
版本及日期 Version and date
V1.03 23-8-2021
秘密等 Disclosure restriction
公开 Public
Skylab M&C Technology Co., Ltd
SKB376 蓝牙 4.2 模组规格书
SKB376 BLE 4.2 module datasheet
2 / 27 SKB376-DA-001,A/1
版本历史 Revision History
版本 Revision
描述 Description
审查 Approved
初始发布 Initial Release
修改硬件特性/Hardware Features
Add product picture and model description
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