Maximum plate dissipation: 1,500 Watts
Maximum screen dissipation: ---
Maximum grid dissipation: 25 Watts
Frequency for max rating (CW): 250 MHz
Amplification factor: 200
Filament/cathode: Oxide Coated
Voltage: 5.0 Volts
Current: 10.5 Amps
Capacitance: Grounded cathode
Input: 38.5 pF
Output: 0.1 pF
Feedthrough: 10 pF
Capacitance: Grounded grid
Input: 38.5 pF
Output: 10 pF
Feedthrough: 0.1 pF
Cooling: Liquid and Forced Air
Base: 7-Pin Special
Air Socket - Grounded Cathode: SK-2220
Air Socket - Grounded Grid: SK-2210
Air Chimney: ---
Boiler: ---
Length: 4.56 in; 11.5 mm
Diameter: 2.66 in; 67.6 mm
Weight: 25.0 oz; 708.8 gm
• Worldwide brand name recognition
• Over 85 years technical expertise
• Industrial
Communications & Power Industries Triode
The 3CW2000A7 is a rugged liquid-cooled
ceramic metal power triode designed for use
as a cathode-driven Class AB
or Class B am-
plifier, in audio or RF applications including
the VHF band, or as a cathode-driven plate
modulated Class C RF amplifier. As a linear
amplifier, high power gain may be obtained
without sacrifice of low intermodulation
distortion characteristics. Low grid intercep-
tion and high amplification factor combine to
make the 3CW2000A7 drive power require-
ments exceptionally low for a tube of this
power capacity. Except for the liquid-cooled
anode, the 3CW2000A7 is identical to the
Eimac 8877/3CX1500A7.
With a history of producing high quality products, we can help you with your triode.
Contact us at MPPMarketing@cpii.com or call us at +1 650-846-2800. The data should be used for basic information only.
Formal, controlled specifications may be obtained from CPI for use in equipment design.
Microwave Power
Products Division
811 Hansen Way
Palo Alto, California
USA 94304
tel +1 650-846-2800
fax +1 650-856-0705
email MPPMarketing@cpii.com
web www.cpii.com/MPP
For more detailed information, please refer to the
corresponding CPI technical description if one has
been published, or contact CPI. Specifications may
change without notice as a result of additional data or
product refinement. Please contact CPI before using
this information for system design.
©2020 Communications & Power Industries LLC.
Company proprietary: use and reproduction is strictly
prohibited without written authorization from CPI.