How to save to an external USB with the SDS series of
December 22, 2017
The SDS series of SIGLENT Digital Oscilloscopes have a number of save options that include copies of the
displayed image (Bitmap, JPG, and PNG are common image types) as well as instrument configurations
(Setups) and data (CSV).
Here are brief instructions on how to save files to external USB memory devices.
Insert a USB memory stick (FAT32 format) into the USB input located on the front of the instrument as
shown below:
If the USB Memory device is recognized, a USB shaped icon will appear on the display, as shown below:
If the device is not recognized, it may not be FAT formatted or there could be another issue. Replace the
device with a known working FAT USB device.
2. Press the “Save/Recall” button located on the front panel.
This will open the Save/Recall Menu, visible along the bottom edge of the display as shown below:
3. Press the softkey located below the “Save” label to open the Save menu
4. The Save menu allow you to select the file type and any key parameters associated with that file type.
Select the file type by pressing “Type”.
You can toggle through the selections by pressing the Type softkey again, or you can rotate the
Intensity/Adjust knob. Pressing the Intensity/Adjust knob in to select the value.