1 Introduction
This document provides instructions on how to enable new Bluetooth Low
Enegy 5.0 Advertising extension features in a legacy Bluetooth Low Energy
example, which means demo examples such as Bluetooth Low Energy beacon,
and other examples except BLE_shell, in a software application point of view.
This user guide is only available for Kinetis KW37/38/39 devices.
The Bluetooth LE 5.0 specification introduced new features of Advertising
Extensions, such as extended advertising, periodic advertising, Long Range,
High Speed etc.
Kinetis KW37/38/39 MCU series are radio wireless MCUs that support
Bluetooth LE 5.0 protocol.
The prerequisites for understanding this document are that the reader has
basic knowledge about Bluetooth LE protocol, as well as basic knowledge
about Arm MCU architecture and radio communication basics.
2 Hardware setup
Use FRDM development board
Program the FRDM board
Use FRDM development board
This document takes the FRDM-KW38 board as example
1 Introduction..........................................1
2 Hardware setup....................................1
2.1 Use FRDM development
board....................................... 1
2.2 Program the FRDM board.......2
3 Software enablement...........................2
3.1 Bluetooth LE shell demo
3.2 Enable advertising
extension in legacy
Bluetooth LE examples............2
3.2.1 Include the
extension library.......... 2
3.2.2 Configure the
extension..................... 3
3.2.3 Configure the
advertising data...........5
3.2.4 Start extended
3.2.5 Testing......................6
4 Revision history...................................7
Kinetis KW38 Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 Advertising Extension
Enablement in Legacy Bluetooth Low Energy Examples
Rev. 0 — 29 August 2019
Application Note
Figure 1. FRDM-KW38 development board
The FRDM boards offer possibilities to change certain configurations of the MCU and offers a debug interface to program it. To
enable the Bluetooth LE 5.0 features, no hardware change is required.
Program the FRDM board
The demo application example supports the IAR embedded workbench for Arm. The FRDM board supports OpenSDA. After
choosing CMSIS-DAP as debugger interface, user's can build and program the board by simply connecting the board to the PC
via a USB cable. In addition, simply drag-and-drop the generated .bin file to the Kinetis device (displayed as a USB flash driver)
is also an option to program the board.
Software enablement
Bluetooth LE shell demo example
Enable advertising extension in legacy Bluetooth LE examples
Bluetooth LE shell demo example
The KW38 SDK comes with a Bluetooth LE shell demo example which supports and demonstrate natively the Advertising
Extension feature. For details on how to use this example to configure and advertise with new features, see the Bluetooth LE
Demo Application User’s Guide.
Enable advertising extension in legacy Bluetooth LE examples
The rest of the demo examples which have the GAP peripheral role, including low-power reference design example, are called
“Bluetooth LE legacy examples”. By default, these examples do not support the Advertising Extension. In this document, the
Bluetooth LE Beacon is taken as the example to enable the Advertising Extension. However, the same procedure is applicable
to any of the other demo examples.
3.2.1 Include the advertising extension library
By default, the Bluetooth LE Beacon example (as well as other demo examples which have the GAP peripheral role) uses the
library “lib_ble_5-0_host_peripheral_cm0p.a”, which does not support the Advertising Extension.
To steps include:
NXP Semiconductors
Software enablement
Kinetis KW38 Bluetooth Low Energy 5.0 Advertising Extension Enablement in Legacy Bluetooth Low Energy Examples, Rev. 0, 29
August 2019
Application Note
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