XAPP1086 (v1.3.1) February 5, 2015 www.xilinx.com 1
This application note is written for FPGA designers wishing to implement security or safety
critical designs, that is, information assurance (single chip cryptography), avionics, automotive,
and industrial applications, using the Xilinx Isolation Design Flow (IDF). This document explains
how to:
Implement isolated functions in a single Xilinx 7 series FPGA or Zynq®-7000 All
Programmable SoC (AP SoC)
in commercial-grade or defense-grade using IDF.
For example, implementation might include red/black logic, redundant Type-I
encryption modules, or logic processing multiple levels of security.
Verify the isolation using the Xilinx Isolation Verification Tool (IVT).
With this application note, designers can develop a fail-safe single chip solution using the Xilinx
IDF that meets fail-safe and physical security requirements for high-grade, high-assurance
applications. If the user wishes to add additional security to their design, the Security Monitor
IP, developed by Xilinx, can be purchased. Should the user decide to embed this IP,
modifications to the steps in this document must be made as described in Integration and
Verification of Security Monitor 3.0 for 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC
(XAPP796). Refer to the Aerospace and Defense Security Monitor IP Core Product Marketing Brief
[Ref 1] or contact your local Xilinx representative for more information. If the target application
requires mask control, a defense-grade (XQ) device might be needed.
The Kintex®-7 FPGA and Zynq-7000 AP SoC families are currently supported for the IDF. For
more information about the support time line for the rest of the Xilinx 7 series FPGA/SoC
families, contact your Xilinx representative for currently supported 7 series devices. This
application note is accessible from the Isolation Design Flow page on Xilinx.com [Ref 2].
You can download the Reference Design Files
for this application note from the Xilinx website.
For detailed information about the design files, see Reference Design Files.
Application Note: 7 Series FPGAs and Zynq-7000 AP SoC
XAPP1086 (v1.3.1) February 5, 2015
Isolation Design Flow for Xilinx 7 Series
FPGAs or Zynq-7000 AP SoCs (ISE Tools)
Author: Ed Hallett
1. The FPGAs and SoC are called FPGA/SoC in the rest of the document.
XAPP1086 (v1.3.1) February 5, 2015 www.xilinx.com 2
The flexibility of programmable logic affords the security and safety critical industries many
advantages. However, prior to this work, in applications such as information assurance,
government contractors and agencies could not realize the full capability of programmable
logic due to isolation, reliability, and security concerns. To address these concerns, the Isolation
Design Flow was developed to allow independent functions to operate on a single chip.
Examples of such single chip applications include, but are not limited to, redundant Type-I
cryptographic modules, resident red and black data, and functionality operating on multiple
independent levels of security. The successful completion of this work has allowed Xilinx to
provide new technology for the Information Assurance (IA) industry as well as provide safety
critical functions in Avionics, Automotive, and Industrial applications.
Isolation Design Flow
Developing a safe and secure single chip solution containing multiple isolated functions in a
single FPGA is made possible through Xilinx partition technology. Special attributes such as
SCC_ISOLATED and the features it enables are necessary to provide controls to achieve the
isolation needed to meet certifying agency requirements. To better understand the details of
the IDF, the designer should have a solid understanding of the standard partition design flow.
Many of the terms and processes in the partition flow are utilized in the IDF. Areas that are
different supersede the partition design flow and are identified in this application note.
Common Terminology
Throughout this document the terms ownership, function, logic, region, and partition are used
They are defined thus:
Ownership (Physical/Logical)
The concept of Physical versus Logical ownership is an important concept to
understand when using the IDF. This concept is covered in detail in the section Trusted
Routing Design Guidelines.
A collection of logic that performs a specific operation (that is, an AES encryptor)
Circuits used to implement a specific function (that is, flip-flop, look up table, RAM, and
so on)
Region/Area Group/Pblock
A physical area to implement logic