Firmware for NPort 5000AI-M12 Series (NPort 5250AI-M12) Release
Supported Operating Systems
Applicable Products
Bugs Fixed
• Solved Nessus CVSS v3.0 issues, which scores exceeded 7 and above.
• Solved security issues.
• Records username, source IP, and port number in "Event Log" and "System Log".
• Upgraded mbedTLS to v2.7.15.
• Disables Telnet console by default.
• Disables TLS 1.0/1.1 by default.
• Added an account lockout mechanism for web, Telnet, and MOXA service.
8: Removed SSL 2.0 and lower (keep TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2).
• Improved UI and UX on "Configuration file import, export and pre-shared key".
• TCP used to duplicate ACK while handshaking.
• The NPort would still send "ALIVE" command packets after serial data has been transmitted.
• Configuration from DHCP server will be saved to flash frequently.
• Port Monitor does not display "Connection Status".
• The TCP client mode could not connect to the TCP server mode of the same NPort.
• The account's password could not be set correctly via NPort Administrator v1.x.
• The system would cold start after receiving MIB tcp Connection Remote Port (tcpConnRemPort).
• An email event could not be sent while the SNMP service was disabled.
• The system became invalid when IP address ended with ".0"
• Supports remote log function.
• Supports turning on HTTPS with TLS 1.2 by default.
• Supports MXconfig v2.6 and MXview v3.2.
• Supports SNMPv3.
• Supports daylight saving time settings.
• Supports beep service configuration.
• A notification regarding the limitation on the length of sensitive data.
New Features
Version: v1.5 Build: Build 20101317
Release Date: Oct 15, 2020
Firmware for NPort 5000AI-M12 Series (NPort 5250AI-M12) Release Notes Page 1 of 6
Supported Operating Systems
Applicable Products
Bugs Fixed
• Accessible IP list can now be used to restrict all device services.
• Complies with Moxa Security Guidelines on the following: Account Authentication Management,
Network Service Management, and Audit and Log Management.
• CVE-2017-14028: An attacker may be able to exhaust memory resources by sending a large
amount of TCP SYN packets.
• CVE-2017-16715: An attacker may be able to exploit a flaw in the handling of Ethernet frame
padding that may allow for information exposure.
• CVE-2017-16719: An attacker may be able to inject packets that could potentially disrupt the
availability of the device.
• Remove unnecessary information displayed on the Web, Telnet, and Serial consoles during the
login process.
• Remove the TTL limitation (1) on multicast packets.
• Pair connection mode cannot resolve the domain name.
• The password may be exposed in the Moxa service.
NPort 5250AI-M12, NPort 5250AI-M12-CT, NPort 5250AI-M12-T, NPort 5250AI-M12-CT-T
• Supports HTTPS.
• Supports MXview auto-topology function.
• Supports MXconfig.
• Supports SNMPv2c.
New Features
Version: v1.4 Build: Build 19032122
Release Date: Mar 29, 2019
Firmware for NPort 5000AI-M12 Series (NPort 5250AI-M12) Release Notes Page 2 of 6