Copyright © 2021 Moxa Inc.
Released on March 26, 2021
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Moxa is a leading provider of edge connectivity, industrial computing, and network
infrastructure solutions for enabling connectivity for the Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT). With over 30 years of industry experience, Moxa has connected mor
e than 57
million devices worldwide and has a distribution and service network that reaches
customers in more than 70 countries. Moxa delivers lasting business value by
empowering industries with reliable networks and sincere service. Information about
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The Security Hardening Guide for the NPort 5000 Series
Moxa Technical Support Team
1. Introduction ...................................................................................2
2. General System Information ...........................................................3
2.1. Basic Information About the Device.............................................................. 3
2.2. Deployment of the Device ........................................................................... 4
3. Configuration and Hardening Information ......................................5
3.1. TCP/UDP Port Status ................................................................................... 6
3.2. Account Management................................................................................. 10
3.3. Accessible IP List ....................................................................................... 12
3.4. Logging and Auditing ................................................................................. 13
4. Patching/Upgrades ...................................................................... 15
4.1. Patch Management Plan ............................................................................. 15
4.2. Firmware Upgrades .................................................................................... 15
5. Security Information and Vulnerability Feedback ......................... 17
Moxa Tech Note
The Security Hardening Guide for the NPort 5000
Copyright © 2021 Moxa Inc.
Page 2 of 17
1. Introduction
We at Moxa understand that more and more of Moxas customers are concerned about the
security of their network system. Naturally, these concerns also extend to individual devices.
Moxa is committed to cybersecurity and endeavors to make our products as secure as
possible. In support of our customers to meet certain security guidelines and frameworks, this
document intends to provide guidelines on how to configure and secure the installation of
Moxas devices.
We want to reiterate that the recommended steps to securing a Moxa device, as discussed in
this document, are guidelines as applications vary from one Moxa customer to another.
Furthermore, these recommendations are best practices for most applications. However, to
ensure the recommended settings are applicable to your environment without creating a
conflict or affecting your application, its highly recommended to review and test the
configuration thoroughly before implementing it in your production system.