Efcient Courseware Management using
Tektronix Oscilloscope (TBS1000B-EDU)
Application Note
Laboratory classes are an integral part of an engineering
curriculum. They enable students to hone hands-on skills by
exploring the theoretical concepts taught in classrooms. Lab
experiments also help students extend their knowledge by
applying these concepts to real life applications. Engineering
teachers play an important role in conducting these labs and
surveys reveal that most of their efforts go into creating lab
manuals, guiding students through the labs and evaluating lab
The Tektronix TBS1000B-EDU series oscilloscope is the
world’s first dedicated teaching oscilloscope and this
application note describes how this new instrument can help
educators do their jobs more efficiently by providing an easier
way to create basic electronic lab experiments and a method
for students to review and complete the labs directly on the
oscilloscope. The courseware feature enables teachers and
lab assistants to package multiple lab experiments for a variety
of subjects and classes together and upload the data onto the
instrument. The resultant gain in efficiency and time can be
used to tackle other student problems further enhancing the
learning process.
Application Note
Hands-on training is a key part of an engineering curriculum
where knowledge of concepts is reinforced by the practical
application of those concepts in a laboratory environment.
A robust engineering curriculum has a good mix of theory
classes (where concepts are taught) and laboratory classes
(where theories are examined) to help students comprehend
the information being taught.
To demonstrate key engineering concepts, educators will
design lab experiments that support the class curriculum.
Lab administrators then determine what instruments and
components are needed to support the lesson plan. Most
often, multiple printed lab manuals are created and given
out as reference guides for students to use as they conduct
the experiments. The lab manual can include technical
background, objectives and the step-by-step instructions
required for completing experiments. During the lab, the
teacher and/or lab administrator will assist students as
they conduct experiments, solving problems and providing
additional background for the material. When finished, the
students will then submit a lab report documenting their work,
which is graded based on the students’ results.
Figure 1. Educator (Teacher /Lab Admin) workflow for designing and conducting laboratory classes for engineering students.
Typical Laboratory Class Workflow: