Monitoring antibody charge variants
using a combination of Agilent 3100
OFFGEL Fractionation by isoelectric point
and high sensitivity protein detection with
the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
During production and purification processes, antibodies can exhibit changes in
charge heterogeneity. These changes may not only impact their stability but also their
activity and cause immunologically adverse reactions. Hence, the analysis of charge
heterogeneity in monoclonal antibody (mAb) preparations is a prime quality control
step in the biopharmaceutical industry.
This Application Note describes the analysis of monoclonal antibodies by a two-
dimensional separation based on protein charge and molecular weight. In the first
dimension, Agilent 3100 OFFGEL Fractionation, an isoelectric focusing technique
delivering high pI resolution and protein fractions in solution, is used. In the second
dimension, OFFGEL fractions are separated by size and detected with highly sensitive
laser-induced fluorescense using the Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity
Protein 250 Assay.
Suresh Babu C.V.
Agilent Technologies
Bangalore, India
Application Note
Drug Development
Monoclonal antibodies (mAb’s) have
gained much attention as therapeutics
due to their specificity for a single anti-
genic determinant. Various mAb’s are
approved by the Food & Drug
Administration (FDA) and used for clini-
cal therapy
. To use an mAb as a drug
substance, biological safety, quality,
purity and performance characteristics
of the mAb must be assessed during
. Therefore, the main
objectives towards manufacturing Ab-
based pharmaceuticals are production
and purification of high amounts of
antibody with good yields.
During biosynthesis, mAb’s can under-
go various modifications that lead to
charge heterogeneity. These provide a
great challenge for the complete char-
acterization of the mAb. Combinations
of charge and size analysis provide an
excellent assessment of antibody puri-
ty. Traditionally, slab-gel-based isoelec-
tric focusing (IEF) or capillary elec-
trophoresis (CE) methods are used to
monitor the charge profiles of antibod-
ies. However, although they provide
good resolution, gel-based or CE-based
IEF offer little opportunity to introduce
a second, quantitative dimension of
OFFGEL electrophoresis is an alterna-
tive technique to slab-gel based IEF in
modern protein analysis
. It fraction-
ates peptides or proteins based on
immobilized pH gradients. However, in
contrast to gel based techniques, sam-
ples are recovered in solution for down-
stream applications such as size analy-
sis or liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry (LC/MS). It is flexible in
resolution and in the amount of sample
that can be loaded (analytical to semi-
preparative sample amounts). IEF by
OFFGEL fractionation of proteins or
peptides can achieve a resolution of
0.1 pH. Isoelectric point (pI) values
obtained from OFFGEL runs serve as
additional support for MS analysis and
can be used to search for post transla-
tional modifications of proteins and
For size analysis of pI fractions, the
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer is the tool of
choice. The High Sensitivity Protein 250
(HSP-250) assay provides size separa-
tion and highly sensitive detection of
proteins in the picogram range.
This study compares the two-dimen-
sional application of OFFGEL and
Bioanalyzer for monitoring the charge
heterogeneity of mAb’s under native
conditions and after addition of a deter-
gent (Tween-20). The study outlines the
methodology difference between dena-
tured and nondenatured conditions.
Materials and Methods
Tween-20 was obtained from Sigma
(MO, USA). Purified monoclonal anti-
body (1 mg/ml) was from Stratagene
(CA, USA).
For IEF, the Agilent 3100 OFFGEL
Fractionator with a 24-well frame setup
(OFFGEL High Resolution Kit, pH 3-10,
Agilent p/n 5188-6425) was used with
a slight deviation from the original pro-
tocol. For each OFFGEL fractionation,
100 µg of the mAb sample were dis-
solved in OFFGEL focusing buffer con-
taining 5 % glycerol, and 0.25 % IPG
buffer pH 3-10. Neither urea or thiourea
were added to maintain native condi-
tions because mAb’s can easily disinte-
grate under urea/thiourea denaturing
conditions (data not shown). A second
data set was generated with the addi-
tion of 1% Tween-20 to enhance the
solubility of the proteins. OFFGEL frac-
tionation was performed using the
default method for protein samples and
24 fractions (OG24PR01). The recov-
ered fractions were subjected to
Bioanalyzer protein analysis. Fractions
obtained after the OFFGEL runs are
directly compatible to the HSP-250
assay. OFFGEL recoveries were calcu-
lated by relating the mAb quantity in all
the OFFGEL fractions to the concentra-
tion measured in non-fractionated sam-
ple before OFFGEL fractionation
(referred to as sample load).
Protein analysis was done on the
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer with the
Agilent High Sensitivity Protein 250 kit
(Agilent Technologies GmbH,
Waldbronn, Germany). Protein labeling
and on-chip sample analysis was per-
formed as described in the High
Sensitivity Protein 250 Kit Guide
. All
samples were run under nonreducing
Results and Discussion
In this study, to assess the influence of
protein structure on pI fractionation,
mAb samples were fractionated by pI
using OFFGEL electrophoresis under
native conditions with the addition of
Tween-20. The recovered OFFGEL frac-
tions were analyzed with the
Bioanalyzer HSP-250 assay. Tween-20
was added to the OFFGEL buffer system
to enhance the solubility of the protein
during focusing, because mAb’s are
known to disintegrate easily under urea
and thiourea buffer conditions (data not
shown). The main motivation for sepa-
rating mAb under native conditions is
the direct compatibility with down-
stream LC/MS analysis for identifica-
tion of the fractionated charge vari-
Figures 1A and 2A show Bioanalyzer
gel-like images for OFFGEL fractions
and the initial sample load obtained
under native conditions and after addi-
tion of Tween-20, respectively. Various
mAb charge variants are well separated
by OFFGEL fractionation and subse-
quently detected with the HSP-250
assay. Charge variants from the main
mAb product are all found towards the
anode and are therefore exhibiting
acidic pI values. Figures 1B and 2B
show corresponding electropherogram
overlays for the OFFGEL fractions of the
main product and the acidic charge
variants. The initial sample load is
shown as well. The difference in focus-
ing pattern between the two conditions
applied is clearly visualized by the
Bioanalyzer protein assay. With the
addition of Tween-20, more main prod-
uct (fraction 9-11) and charge variants
(fraction 1-5) are observed as indicated
by the higher peak intensity values of
the corresponding electropherograms
(Figure 2). In terms of molecular weight,
charge variants differ from the main
products by a maximum of just 4 kDa
and represent only 10% of the total
mAb preparation. Detection of such
variants is heavily dependant upon the
initial sample fractionation by pI,
because their overall contribution and
difference in molecular weight do not
allow direct detection with the
Bioanalyzer (see sample load,
Figures 1 and 2).