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Release Notes
PathWave Manufacturing Analytics
PathWave Manufacturing Analytics version 2.3.0 now includes a Summary Report module, that
consolidates the top issues an engineer needs to focus on, as well as a Return on Investment module
that compares OEE, Retest, First Pass & Final Yields between 2 selected date ranges.
Version 2.3.0
Release Date: 13 April 2020
New Features
Return on Investment Module
Summary Report Module
Test time distribution
Global Map View
Compared by Equipment/Fixture/Panel
Highlight related measurements in scatter plots
Fixture Maintenance & Alert
Test Coverage Monitor & Alert
Consecutive Test Failure Monitor & Alert
Measurement System Analysis
User Management
Probe Heatmap for Short & Open
Version 2.2.0
Release Date: 12 April 2019
New Features
Probe heatmap for pin failures
Test Result visualizations for Functional Test, Enhanced Data Log for VTEP, Shorts/Opens, and Pins
Board to board comparison for panelized board
Responsive web design
Firefox browser compatibility
Revamp Test Result dashboard
PathWave Manufacturing Analytics Release Notes
Version 2.1.0
Release Date: 28 Feb 2019
Numerous bug fixes
Version 2.0.0
Release Date: 7 Jan 2019
New Features
Digital Quality module: Summary and Test Result dashboards
Overall Equipment Effectiveness module: Summary and Downtime monitoring dashboards
Throughput module: False Failure dashboard
Process Analysis module: Measurement Systems Analysis and Part Average Testing dashboards
Alert module: Case history and case review
New alert notifications: CPK, Golden Board Detection, PAT Limit, & Fan Regression
Chinese language support
Include sensor anomaly alerts within RMA search results
Case email notification
General dashboards improvements:
o Include Anomaly and False Failure information in scatter plots
o Dashboard filters
o Download CSV, image, & PDF
o Autofill date selection
o Probe degradation case creation
o Copy serial number shortcut
Application setting improvements:
o User Profile and New User setup: Preferred language and default site options
o New site setup: Admin/user site & company mapping, with application & shift defaults
o Search and filter boxes added to the alert popup dialog
o Standardize the look and feel for the alert and case creation dialogs
o Common alert notification and email formats
Web Resources
To find more information about PathWave Manufacturing Analytics visit
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