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PathWave Manufacturing Analytics
License Management
Viewing and adding licenses with the license manager
The PathWave Manufacturing Analytics software uses licensing to control various
aspects of the software. There is a built-in license manager that uses license files that it
reads to enable certain features. These license files control access to the user interface
features, as well as the number of connected equipment that you can activate. To add
and remove licenses requires you to know how to work with the license manager as well
as the PathWave Manufacturing Analytics (PMA) software.
License Redemption
You can redeem a license using an entitlement certificate provided to you when you
purchase the PMA software product. An email with the license file will arrive as part of
the redemption process, you will need this license file in order to add new licenses to the
software. The redemption process happens through the Keysight Software Manager
website and is not described within this document, 1`refer to
You need to provide a ‘Host ID’ in order to redeem a license. Log into the license
manager and use one of the ‘Ethernet Address’ values found on the ‘System Information
page as the ‘Host ID’. Since you can redeem many licenses always use the same ‘Host
ID’ for all them, as this will make it easier for you to trace them in the future.
New Server Installations
The first time that you install the PMA software the license manager may not be running.
This means that you may not be able to do any license management. If you can access
the license manager using the steps for ‘Accessing the License Manager’ then it is
already running.
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If the license manager is not running, you will need to edit the /etc/rc.local file and find the command
used to start it.
1. First check that the license manager is not running by checking the output of the command on the
command line on the master 1 node: ps -ef | grep lmadmin
2. If you do not find a path ending in ‘/lmadmin/lmadmin’ then the license manager will not be
running. If you do find it then the license manager is running.
3. On the master 1 node edit the /etc/rc.local file with the command: vi /etc/rc.local
4. Find the line that runs the lmadmin and copy the entire line.
5. Quit Vim and return to the command line: <ESC key> :q! <Enter key>
6. Enter the entire command to startup the license manager and press the Enter key to start it.
7. Follow the steps for ‘Accessing the License Manager’.
8. Follow the steps for ‘Adding and Activating a License’.
Accessing the License Manager
The license manager is located on the PMA cluster’s master 1 node at http://master1ip:8090/
website. The master1ip in the website address is the cluster’s private side network IP address
for the master 1 node set in the conf/cluster.properties file.
Logging into the License Manager
To access the license manager website on the PMA cluster and login, use the following steps:
1. Visit the license manager website at http://master1ip:8090/
2. To access the administration page of the license manager, click Administration on the
top-right of the webpage.
3. Login using the default login username "admin" and password "get.lost" (all without
quotes). Click ‘Submit’ and you will jump to the ‘System Information’ page.
4. The ‘System Information’ page will display a summary of the system information
available which includes items such as the ‘Ethernet Address’ (the ‘Host ID’) for the
server, the port, and the version of the license manager.
Viewing the Available Licenses
There are 2 ways to view the available licenses on the PMA server. The first method is through
the license manager website, and the second method is through the PMA website.
To view licenses using the license manager website, follow these steps:
1. Visit the license manager website at http://master1ip:8090/
2. The default page shows the ‘Dashboard’ (highlighted on the top-right of the webpage).
3. Click on the ‘Concurrent’ license icon. The page shows the current list of valid licenses available
along with their expiration dates.
To view licenses using the PMA website, follow these steps:
1. After logging into the PMA website, click on the top-right gear icon to a show a menu and then
click on ‘Admin’. This will take you to the ‘PathWave Administration’ webpage.
2. Along the top menu there is a ‘Licensing’ option, click it to display the ‘Seat Licenses’ page. The
page shows the current list of valid licenses available along with their expiration dates.