__________________________________________________________ Revisi on A1 Errat a
The errata listed below describe situations where MAX24405 revision A1 components perform differently
than expected or differently than described in the data sheet. Microsemi intends to correct these errata in
subsequent die revisions.
This errata s heet on ly app lies to MAX24405 revisio n A 1 c ompon ents . Rev isi on A 1 c ompone nts are br and ed
on the topside of the package with a six-digit code in the form yywwA1, where yy and ww are two-digit
numbers representing the year and work week of manufacture, respectively.
1) On-Chip Crystal Oscillator Causes More Generated Jitter Than An External Oscillator
The on-chip crystal oscillator (internal XO) causes higher device output jitter and worse power supply
noise rejection than when an external oscillator is used. When clocked from the internal XO, device
output jitter is typically in a range from 0.6 to 0.9ps RMS (12kHz to 20MHz) compared to 0.3 to 0.6ps
RMS when c locked fr om a low-n oise external os cillator. T he power suppl y noise rejection perf ormance
is shown in the Minimizing MAX24xxx Output Jitter application note.
The issues with the internal XO are understood, and the generated jitter and power supply noise
rejection are expected to be sign if icant l y im proved for the next revision of this device.
Consider providing sites on the board for an external oscillator for use with a rev A1 device and a
crystal for use with a next-revision device.
January 2012