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CHI-EHS45-0008-A Page 1 of 1
REACH (SVHC) Declaration
Regulation (E C) No 1907/2006 of the Europea n Pa rlia m ent a nd of the Council of 18 Decem be r
2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
Product S eries/ Part Number
Annex 1b
Lea d (7439-92-1)
The product series/ pa rt number(s) shown above contain substance(s) listed in Annex 1b, in a
concentra tion a bove 0.1% by weight per article, m eeting the criteria in A rticle 57 and identifi e d in
accordance with Article 59(1) of Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 (the REACH regulation), last updated
on 25
of June 2020.
There are currently 209 entries on the Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHC).
SVH Cs a re identified on the E uropea n Chem ica l Agency (ECHA) website a nd ca n be viewed at
This declaration does not modify or alter the terms of any contract or purchase agreement that
exists between Littelfuse, Inc. and the purchaser of said parts. Further, I certify that I am
a uthorized to m ake the representa tions provided in this com pli a nce certifica tion on beha lf of my
Issued by:
Jennilyn Dinglasan-Santos
Global EH&S Supervisor
Email: jdinglasan@littelfuse.com
Date: Ja nua ry 6, 2021