8755 W. H i ggi ns R oad
Sui te 500
C hi cago, IL 60631
This i nformation repr esen ts actua l knowledge based on the inform ation provid ed by our component
and/or raw material supp liers.
If you require further infor ma tion, feel free to contact us via email at envrequests@littelfuse.com
CHI-EHS45-0008-A Page 1 of 1
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
Product S eries/ P art Num ber
Exemption/s Used
7a, 7 c-I
This is to certify that product series/ part number listed above:
Do not contain lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls
(PBB), or polybrom ina ted diphenyl ether s (PBDE ) a bove the indica ted thre shold s set fo r t h in
RoHS 2 Directive 2011/65/EU except when an applicable and valid EU RoHS exemption
sti pula ted in the Annex III of the directive is specifi ed . And,
Do not contain Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), Dibutyl
phthalate (DBP) and Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) a bove the indicated thresholds set fort h in
Directive (EU) 2015/863.
This certification does not modify or alter the terms of any contract or purchase agreement that exists
between Littelfuse, Inc. a nd the purcha ser of sa id pa rts. Further, I certify tha t I am a uthorized to
m a ke the representa tions provided in this com plia nce certification on beha lf of m y com pa ny.
Issued by:
Jennilyn Dinglasan-Santos
Global EH&S Supervisor
Email: JDinglasan@Littelfuse.com
Date: Ja nua ry 6, 2021