November 2005 Application Note AN6069
Programmable Comparator Options
for the ispPAC-POWR1220AT8
Lattice’s ispPAC
-POWR1220AT8 offers a wide range of features for managing multiple power supplies in a com-
plex system. This application note outlines the key features associated with the voltage monitoring functions. In
order to better understand the flexible architecture of the front end, the circuitry will be broken down into sections to
be discussed individually. The relationships of these blocks is also discussed, along with how they interact with the
PLD and other functional blocks within the ispPAC-POWR1220AT8.
The ispPAC-POWR1220AT8 provides 24 independently programmable trip point comparators connected to 12 volt-
age monitoring pins. Each of the comparators has 368 programmable trip points, ranging from .664V to 5.734V. In
addition to these, there is a low level trip point for powered down supplies that trips at 75mV. The 75mV setting is
used to determine if a given supply has decayed all the way down and is safely off, before recycling it back on or
starting another sequence or event.
Differential Input Comparator
The ispPAC-POWR1220AT8 has 24 comparators, each independently programmable. Each set of VMON pins or
voltage monitors is tied to a pair of comparators (see Figure 1). The VMON pins themselves are a pair of differential
inputs to minimize measurement error in a noisy environment. The differential pair for each VMON, allows the
designer to monitor the voltage at a remote point on the board with a pair of pins, one the positive VMON and the
other the sense line or ground sense (VMONGS). Figure 1 below shows a simplified diagram of the ispPAC-
POWR1220AT8 controlling and monitoring a 1.5V supply. Note the remote sense line and location of the VMON1
voltage monitor line. The physical location on the net where the voltage is to be measured is critical if there is high
current for the supply rail or noise on the board. Each VMON has a ground sense line, these must be connected in
all cases. If the sense line is not hooked directly to the ground near the load, connect it to the local ground plane.
The ground sense lines can have a maximum voltage of -200mV to +300mV with respect to the ground of the isp-
Figure 1. Simplified Interface Showing VMON Groundsense
Supply A
Programmable Comparator Options
Lattice Semiconductor for the ispPAC-POWR1220AT8
Trip Points
The 368 programmable trip points allow the user to select voltages around popular power supply ranges. The trip
points range from .664V (Table 1) to 5.734V (Table 2). In addition there is a low-level trip point at 75mV to deter-
mine if a power supply has discharged all the way down. Each VMON pin has the 368 programmable trip points
plus the 75mV trip point setting. To monitor supplies outside the range of these voltages such as 12V or 24V, a sim-
ple voltage divider can be placed in front of the VMON pins. See Lattice application note AN6041,
Extending the
VMON Input Range of ispPAC Power Manager Devices
for further information. The VMON input impedance, which
is typically 65k Ohms, must be considered when designing this voltage divider.
ispPAC-POWR12220AT8 Trip Point Tables
Table 1. Trip Points for Under-Voltage Detection
Coarse Range Setting
1 0.786 0.936 1.114 1.326 1.571 1.874 2.232 2.650 3.139 3.738 4.792 5.703
2 0.782 0.930 1.108 1.319 1.563 1.864 2.220 2.636 3.123 3.718 4.766 5.674
3 0.778 0.926 1.102 1.312 1.554 1.854 2.209 2.622 3.106 3.698 4.741 5.643
4 0.773 0.921 1.096 1.305 1.546 1.844 2.197 2.607 3.089 3.678 4.715 5.612
5 0.769 0.916 1.090 1.298 1.537 1.834 2.185 2.593 3.072 3.657 4.689 5.581
6 0.765 0.911 1.084 1.290 1.529 1.825 2.173 2.579 3.056 3.637 4.663 5.550
7 0.761 0.906 1.078 1.283 1.520 1.815 2.161 2.565 3.039 3.618 4.638 5.520
8 0.756 0.901 1.072 1.276 1.512 1.805 2.149 2.550 3.022 3.598 4.612 5.489
9 0.752 0.896 1.066 1.269 1.503 1.795 2.137 2.536 3.005 3.578 4.586 5.459
10 0.748 0.891 1.060 1.262 1.495 1.785 2.125 2.522 2.988 3.558 4.561 5.428
11 0.744 0.886 1.054 1.255 1.486 1.774 2.113 2.507 2.971 3.537 4.535 5.397
12 0.739 0.881 1.048 1.248 1.478 1.764 2.101 2.493 2.954 3.517 4.509 5.366
13 0.735 0.876 1.042 1.240 1.470 1.754 2.089 2.479 2.937 3.497 4.483 5.336
14 0.731 0.871 1.036 1.233 1.461 1.744 2.077 2.465 2.920 3.477 4.457 5.305
15 0.727 0.866 1.030 1.226 1.453 1.734 2.064 2.450 2.903 3.457 4.431 5.274
16 0.723 0.861 1.024 1.219 1.444 1.724 2.052 2.436 2.886 3.437 4.406 5.244
17 0.718 0.856 1.018 1.212 1.436 1.714 2.040 2.422 2.869 3.416 4.380 5.213
18 0.714 0.851 1.012 1.205 1.427 1.704 2.028 2.407 2.852 3.396 4.355 5.183
19 0.710 0.846 1.006 1.198 1.419 1.694 2.016 2.393 2.836 3.376 4.329 5.152
20 0.706 0.841 1.000 1.190 1.410 1.684 2.004 2.379 2.819 3.356 4.303 5.121
21 0.701 0.836 0.994 1.183 1.402 1.673 1.992 2.365 2.802 3.336 4.277 5.090
22 0.697 0.831 0.988 1.176 1.393 1.663 1.980 2.350 2.785 3.316 4.251 5.059
23 0.693 0.826 0.982 1.169 1.385 1.653 1.968 2.337 2.768 3.296 4.225 5.030
24 0.689 0.821 0.976 1.162 1.376 1.643 1.956 2.323 2.752 3.276 4.199 4.999
25 0.684 0.816 0.970 1.155 1.369 1.633 1.944 2.309 2.735 3.256 4.174 4.968
26 0.680 0.810 0.964 1.148 1.361 1.623 1.932 2.294 2.718 3.236 4.149 4.937
27 0.676 0.805 0.958 1.140 1.352 1.613 1.920 2.280 2.701 3.216 4.123 4.906
28 0.672 0.800 0.952 1.133 1.344 1.603 1.908 2.266 2.684 3.196 4.097 4.876
29 0.668 0.795 0.946 1.126 1.335 1.593 1.896 2.251 2.667 3.176 4.071 4.845
30 0.664 0.790 0.940 1.119 1.583 1.884 2.236 3.156 4.045 4.815