Hot Socketing with
ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 Devices
December 2000 Application Note AN8058
Lattice provides robust and feature-rich I/O structures in its ispMACH™ 4A and MACH 5 families of devices. To
take advantage of these features, it is helpful to understand the characteristics on both a family basis and a tech-
nology basis. This application note describes the Lattice I/O characteristic in hot socketing.
The Lattice ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 CPLD families have superior routability, performance, and I/O characteris-
tics that make them ideal for today’s complex system designs. The routability features include multiple switch matri-
ces, complex macrocell architectures, wide product term allocators, and large numbers of inputs into the arrays.
The perfor mance features include fast, predictable speeds, power management capabilities and slew rate control.
Detailed information about MACH routability and performance can be obtained from the MACH data sheets.
The I/O characteristics help to set the ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 devices apar t from all other architectures. Some
of the advanced features they offer to enhance a system design include globally programmable pull-up or Bus-
Friendly latches, hot socketing, mixed supply capability and PCI compliance.
The process technology used in the manufacture of ispMA CH 4A and MACH 5 devices is the 0.25
m Leff process.
As de vice feature sizes are reduced, so m ust the voltage supply because of the internal electric elds that are gen-
erated across the gate oxides. The 0.25
m process is a 3.3V technology.
Hot Socketing
Hot socketing is a feature that means different things to different designers. There are two common scenarios
found in hot socketing environments.
Scenario 1: A board or device is plugged into a system that is already powered up.
In this scenario , the principal cause for concern is latch-up. When inserting a board or device, it can be several mil-
liseconds before all of the required connections have been made, and there is no particular order in which those
connections are made. As a result, signal pins can be connected and driven before either V
or ground, and this
can lead to latch-up in CMOS devices if they are not designed to handle this condition. When a device latches up,
a low-impedance path to ground is formed within the device, and the device begins to sink large amounts of cur-
rent. If the situation is not rectied quickly (i.e. by cycling the system power), the device could be thermally
destroyed, necessitating its replacement.
Scenario 2: The board is powered-down and the system is still powered up and active; the powered-down board or
devices continue to be connected to the active nets in the system.
In this scenario, the possibility of signal disturbance can arise. Signal disturbance takes place when an inactive
device affects the functionality of active signals. This can happen when the inactive device has a leakage path to
either V
or ground, or when the device is driving the signal line during pow er-up or power-down. All ispMACH 4A
and MACH 5 devices tri-state their I/Os during power-up and power-down, and as a result, this is not a concern for
bus disturbance.
Hot Socketing Specication
The most dangerous of the two hot socketing scenarios takes place when a voltage is placed on an input and the
device goes into latch-up as a result. Most devices are designed to prevent latch-up from happening when VCC is
at a nominal level such as 5V or 3.3V. When VCC is at 0V, however, the situation is much different in that signals
driven into inputs or I/Os could potentially f orce the de vice into latch-up. The Hot Socket Latch-up Current specica-
Hot Socketing with
Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 Devices
tion in Table 1 indicates the amount of latch-up current that MACH devices can tolerate without being damaged.
This information also appears in the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” section of the device data sheets.
Table 1. I
The second of the two scenarios is much less dangerous from both the device standpoint and the system design
standpoint. When a device no longer has power applied to it, yet is still connected to active signals and buses, that
device should have no affect on the active signals. If it does, precautions must be taken to ensure the system will
not be adversely affected and can tolerate the strong leakage paths. If the system cannot tolerate the inuence of
the powered-down devices, there are design techniques that can be employed to work around the problems.
3.3V, 0.25
m I/O Buffer Hot Socketing Characteristics
The 3.3V, 0.25
m ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 devices are the most robust devices from the hot socketing stand-
point. Not only do they meet the requirements for latch-up current, but they also have a minimal amount of leakage
current when the devices have no power applied. During power-up, all of the ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 devices
have their output drivers disabled such that the I/Os are in a high impedance state. Because of the design and the
process, the 0.25
m ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 devices have a leakage current less than 100
A per pin when V
= 0V and 0V < V
< 5.5V.
Figure 1. 3.3V, 0.25
m Typical Leakage Current Characteristics
ispMACH 4A and MACH 5 devices offer several advanced features including the hot socketing feature that can be
invaluable in a system design. To take full advantage of these features, the designer must be aware of the effects
that each feature may have on the system.
Technical Support Assistance
Hotline: 1-800-LATTICE (Domestic)
1-408-826-6002 (International)
e-mail: techsupport@latticesemi.com
Parameter Symbol Parameter Description Test Description Max Unit
Hot Socket Latch-up Current V
= 0.0V, V
= 5.5V 200 mA
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
MACH 4A and MACH 5A have a
leakage current less than 100µA
when V
= 0V and 0V < V
< 5.5V