Bridgetek Expands & Enriches EVE Toolchain
June 2019 - Bridgetek has taken further steps to simplify the human machine interface
(HMI) development process, by broadening the scope of the toolchain that accompanies its
popular Embedded Video Engine (EVE) product portfolio. Several extra elements have now
been added, plus major upgrades and augmentations made to the existing tools.
A core aspect of this fully comprehensive toolchain is the new EVE Asset Builder (EAB).
This easy-to-operate conversion utility makes HMI construction much more straightforward
and saves considerable time, as it means that users do not need to remember the various
command line options for each different constituent utility in their design. As well as
covering conversion of image, audio and font files, this intuitive tool has video conversion
functionality, too, along with an animation generator (for use with the latest generation of
higher-end BT81X series EVE devices).
Enhancements have also been made to the low-level EVE Screen Editor (ESE) element of the
toolchain - which is intended to offer users a simple drag-and-drop environment in which
they can start experimenting with EVE-based HMI projects. Helpful new usage examples can
now be accessed (like those relating to the touch tracking function, use of high-quality
Paletted8 bitmaps, bar graphs, etc.).
With regard to the more sophisticated EVE Screen Designer (ESD) tool, which handles the
entire workflow (with overall HMI design, widget design, simulation and export all
encompassed), this now has capabilities that allow it to support all the functional aspects
offered by Bridgetek’s BT81X devices. Notable among these are the use of larger, higher
resolution images thanks to adaptive scalable texture compression (ASTC), as well as
Unicode features, etc. There are numerous advanced BT81X specific example projects that
can be readily utilized - including one focused on designing HMIs for electric vehicle
charging points (a market that the company is currently seeing a great deal of interest from).
Furthermore, additional widgets have been accommodated which complement the existing
Dial, Clock and Slider options. Among these are Arc Slider, Circular Slider, Ring and Partial
The improved toolchain adds support for the award-nominated VM816 touch-enabled TFT
modules. This means that users can get an accurate evaluation of how their BT816 designs
will be rendered on an actual display rather than just seeing an approximation on a PC screen.
All of the elements in the updated EVE toolchain - comprising EAB v1.0, ESD v4.6 and ESE
v3.1.6 - can be downloaded for free by visiting the Bridgetek website:
About Bridgetek
Founded in 2016, Bridgetek supplies highly advanced ICs and board level products to meet the
exacting demands of a constantly evolving global technology landscape. The company’s Embedded
Video Engine (EVE) graphic controller ICs each integrate display, audio and touch functionality onto
a single chip, thereby dramatically reducing the time period and bill-of-materials costs associated with
developing next-generation Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems. These are complemented by its
highly-differentiated, speed-optimized microcontroller units (MCUs) with augmented connectivity
For more information go to
Issued by:
Mike Green - Publitek