PART NO. Z1-010-021, I0012601
Dec 2019
SD025-PMX Wavy for PMX
Windows 10 Compatibility
This software is compatible with Windows 10.
The following system configuration and VISA library (Ver. 5.5 in the case of KI-VISA) are required to use this product on
Windows 10.
For software installation, follow the setup guide.
Core i5 or higher
Windows 10
8 GB RAM (Minimum)
20 GB or more of free hard-disk space
A display that supports 1024 x 768 or higher resolution (96
CD-ROM drive
RS232C, USB, or LAN (depending on the interface to use)
VISA library
If you want to use the software continuously over an extended
period, expanding the RAM to 16 GB is recommend.
In case of using a USB serial converter for RS232C connection,
the software may not function properly.
To use this software, VISA library need to be installed on your
VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) library is a stan-
dard specification for measurement instrument connection soft-
ware, which was developed by VXIplug&play Sytems Alliance.
A KIKUSUI original KI-VISA is available that supports IVI VISA
specifications 5.0. If you want to use this software on Windows
10, download KI-VISA (Ver.5.5 or later) from the Kikusui
Electronics Corporation website download page (https://www.
The following other VISA libraries can also be used. Confirm
the license terms of each VISA library before installation.
NI-VISA by National Instruments (Ver.19.0 or later)
Keysight IO Libraries Suite (Ver.2019 or later) by Keysight
If NI-VISA or Keysight IO Libraries Suite is already installed on
your PC, you do not need to install KI-VISA.
Phone: +81-45-482-6353
Facsimile: +81-45-482-6261