Industry Current &
Voltage Transducers
Industry Catalogue
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LEM Solutions
LEM Solutions
LEM solutions for electrical measurements
This catalogue summarizes the most common LEM product offerings for industrial, railway, high accuracy, and automotive
LEM is the market leader in providing innovative and high quality solutions for measuring electrical parameters. Its core products
- current and voltage transducers - are used in a broad range of applications including drives & welding, renewable energies &
power supplies, traction, high precision, conventional and green vehicle businesses.
With higher accuracy and speed, the feedback signal from LEM transducers enables smoother control and energy consumption
reduction of many electrical systems.
At the heart of … ELEVATORS
In most lifts installed worldwide, LEM transducers prevent the doors closing on passengers. They keep the cabin stable when
people enter, and ensure that the lift rides smoothly by adjusting the torque of the motor.
At the heart of … RENEWABLE ENERGIES
LEM transducers, specifically designed for renewable power systems, control the flow and waveform of energy sent to the grid
from photovoltaic and other renewable energy systems. They measure the current to help the windmills and solar installations to
work at their maximum efficiency.
At the heart of … TRACTION
Regardless of whether a train is powered by diesel or electricity, traction is provided by electric motors driven by inverters
that are relying on LEM transducers to measure, optimize and adjust the power that is sent to the motors, improving both
performance and reliability.
The quality of the image provided by MRI scanners is linked directly to the accuracy of the current measurement.
The current transducer used has a direct impact on the image and if the transducer is not precise enough this will lead to a
blurred and illegible image. LEM current transducers set a standard for accuracy and are the most precise industrial products
in the market today. The transducers provide levels of stability and precision, at about 1–3 parts per million, which makes them
references in calibration test benches or in laboratories.
At the heart of … AUTOMOTIVE
In electric and hybrid vehicles, LEM transducers monitor energy levels to and from the battery and are critical in the control of
the electric motors.
It is our business to support you with both standard and customized products to optimize your application.
Today, the transducer market has two main technology drivers: first, the desire for a greater degree of comfort and finer
regulation, and second, the need to save energy. This means that more and more applications that used to be mechanical are
changing to fully electronic control which provides increased reliability, improved regulation and higher energy efficiency.
Today, about 15 % of all motors have an inverter control. This inverter can save 50 % of the total energy consumed, which is a
huge potential for savings.
The inverter control used in these newer systems requires reliable, accurate current measurement to enable engineers to
develop a system with isolated current measurement directly on the motor phases.
Energy savings is the key word today and this includes the exploitation of the wind and the sun as alternate energies. To use
these renewable sources, in the most profitable way in terms of energy efficiency, the use of power electronics is a must and is
essential to drive and control energy in industrial applications. Modern systems are becoming more complex and require precise
coordination between the power semiconductors, the system controller, mechanics, and the feedback sensors. Transducers
provide the necessary information from the load to fulfill that function. We can compare the use of transducers to adding “eyes
to the system.
They can supply the “brain” of the system, in real time, with information regarding the condition of the controller.
LEM products are already used among a broad spectrum of power electronics applications such as industrial motor drives,
UPS, welding, robots, cranes, cable cars, ski lifts, elevators, ventilation, air-conditioning, power supplies for computer servers,
and telecom.
This trend towards more involved power electronics happens in a general manner in the industrial world, for example, in lighting,
domestic appliances, computers and telecom applications. Power electronics increases efficiency by delivering the correct type
of power at the most efficient voltage, current and frequency.
Today, high speed trains, city transit systems (metro, trams, and trolleybuses) and freight trains are the solutions against
pollution and interstate traffic immobility, and provide a significant energy savings.
Power electronics is essential to drive and control energy in these transportation systems.
LEM has been the market leader in traction power electronics applications and development for the last 40 years and leverages
this vast experience to supply solutions for isolated current and voltage measurements.
LEM transducers provide control and protection to power converters and inverters that regulate energy to the electric motors
(for propulsion) and to the auxiliaries (for air conditioning, heating, lighting, electrical doors, ventilation, etc.). This includes the
incoming monitoring of the voltage network (changing by crossing European borders) to make the power electronics work
Although this is true for on-board applications, LEM has also provided the same control and protection signals for wayside
The rail industry is under constant changes and evolution. As a recent example, the privatization of the rail networks raised
new requirements for which LEM provides: the onboard monitoring of power consumption (EM4T II Energy Meter), solutions to
trackside applications, rail maintenance and the monitoring of points (switches) machines or signaling conditions with some new
transducers families.
LEM is always available to assist in adapting to these evolving technical applications.
Four decades of railway experience have contributed to establishing LEM as the market leader with worldwide presence to serve
you and provide the efficient, safe and reliable operation of the railways.
Certain power-electronics applications require such high performance in accuracy, drift and/or response time that is necessary
to switch to other technologies to achieve these goals. The validation of customer equipment is made through recognized
laboratories using high-performance test benches supported by high-technology equipment including extremely accurate
current transducers. These transducers are still in need today for such traditional applications but are more and more in demand
in high-performance industrial applications, specifically medical equipment (scanners, MRI, etc.), precision motor controllers,
and metering or accessories for measuring and test equipment. LEM has been the leader for years in producing transducers
with high performance and competitive costs for these markets. The 2009 acquisition of the Danish company, Danfysik ACP
A/S, as being the world’s leader in the development and manufacturing of very-high precision current transducers, reinforced
this position.
To achieve this challenging target of accuracy and performance, LEM’s current transducers for the high precision market use an
established and proven technology, the Fluxgate technology deployed in different alternatives.
Thanks to this technology, we can claim accuracies in the parts per million (PPMs) of the nominal magnitude and is
representative of the performance achieved.
The high-accuracy product range covers transducers for nominal current measurements from 12.5 A to 24 kA while providing
overall accuracies at ambient temperatures (25°C) of only a few PPM. Thermal offset drifts are extremely low, only a few PPM
per Kelvin (K).