BeStar Electronics Industry
Manufacturing various kinds
of acoustic components like
buzzer, speaker, receiver,
alarm and specially of latest
technology of SMD buzzer,
mini receiver for mobile
phone. Products widely
used in telecommunication,
a u t o m o t i v e i n d u s t r y ,
household application,
security system, music
d e v i c e and so on.
Manufacturing various kinds
of acoustic components like
buzzer, speaker, receiver,
alarm and specially of latest
technology of SMD buzzer,
mini receiver for mobile
phone. Products widely
used in telecommunication,
a u t o m o t i v e i n d u s t r y ,
household application,
security system, music
d e v i c e and so on.
Manufacturing various kinds
of acoustic components like
buzzer, speaker, receiver,
alarm and specially of latest
technology of SMD buzzer,
mini receiver for mobile
phone. Products widely
used in telecommunication,
a u t o m o t i v e i n d u s t r y ,
household application,
security system, music
d e v i c e and so on.
Manufacturing various kinds
of acoustic components like
buzzer, speaker, receiver,
alarm and specially of latest
technology of SMD buzzer,
mini receiver for mobile
phone. Products widely
used in telecommunication,
a u t o m o t i v e i n d u s t r y ,
household application,
security system, music
device and so on.
Manufacturing various kinds
of acoustic components like
buzzer, speaker, receiver,
alarm and specially of latest
technology of SMD buzzer,
mini receiver for mobile
SMD Electro-Magnet Buzzer
I S O / T S 1 6 9 4 9 : 2 0 0 2 C e r t i f i c a t e d
B e S t a r E l e c t r o n i c s I n d u s t r y C o . , L t d .
Rated Voltage
3 Vo-p
Operating Voltage
2 - 4 Vo-p
* Rated Current
Max.120 mA
* Sound Output (5cm)
min.68 dBA
Resonance Frequency
1100 Hz
Coil Resistance
10 ± 2 Ω
* Rate applying rated voltage (1100Hz,1/2 duty,square wave)
SMT4030-03H02 LF
Rated Voltage
3 Vo-p
Operating Voltage
Max4 Vo-p
* Rated Current
Max.110 mA
* Sound Output (5cm)
min.84 dBA
Resonance Frequency
4000 Hz
Coil Resistance
12 ± 2 Ω
* Rate applying rated voltage (4000Hz,1/2 duty,square wave)
SMT5050-03H03 LF
4.0x3.0x2.0 mm 5.0x5.0x3.0 mm