© FlexiPanel Ltd 30-Jul-04 Page 1 of 1
FlexiPanel for SmartPhone 2.2
Quick Start Guide
What is FlexiPanel for Smartphone? FlexiPanel
for Smartphone is a simple user interface to allow
you to communicate with appliances and
A variety of manufacturers choose to use FlexiPanel
for their products because it is supported by so
many computers and handheld devices. Once you
install FlexiPanel for Smartphone, you can
communicate with all of these products – no special
reconfiguration is needed each time.
Compatibility. FlexiPanel for Smartphone 2.2
works on Microsoft Mobile 2003 and later operating
systems, such as the Orange SPV E200 and the
Motorola MPx200. Java-based phones should use
FlexiPanel for Java Phones available from
www.FlexiPanel.com. The use of Bluetooth
products on commercial flights is restricted.
Installing FlexiPanel for Smartphone. To install
FlexiPanel software on a Smartphone device using
1. Put the Smartphone in its ActiveSync cradle.
2. Download FlexiPanelSmartphoneInstall.exe
from //www.flexipanel.com and run it. Follow
the instructions to install FlexiPanel on the
3. FlexiPanel will automatically appear in the Start
menu. If the application was run recently, a link
will also appear on the Smartphone Home
Making Connections. On startup, FlexiPanel will
automatically search for devices to connect to.
After a few seconds, a list of available Bluetooth
devices will be shown. Select the device you wish
to connect to.
The scan period is brief for convenience. However,
occasionally, some devices may be overlooked. If
an expected device is not displayed, simply
scanning again by selecting Scan for Devices from
the menu.
When using FlexiPanel, you may wish to turn off the
sound in order to suppress key-press tones, and
turn off the screen saver mode and increase the
backlight timeout to 60 seconds.
Interacting with User Interfaces. When you
connect to a computer or appliance, its controls are
displayed on the screen in a list. The exact nature
of these controls will be specified by the appliance
manufacturer and you should refer to their
Once a connection is established, the controls will
be displayed in a list. The control selection may be
adjusted by using up-down presses on the central
control button. Pressing the button inward or using
left-right presses will have the following effects:
Control Icon Inward press Left-Right
Presses button
Full screen dialog
Toggles latch /
selects radio
Full screen dialog Increment /
Open / close
Full screen dialog
/ close password
Full screen dialog Previous /
Full screen dialog
Full screen dialog
(not all variants of each icon are shown)
Pings. A ping is a harmless message sent to the
appliance to check that it is still in range. If the
computer has not received a reply by the time it is
due to send another ping message, it assumes the
appliance is out of range. Usually you would select
to ping quite frequently. However, if the appliance
is responding slowly for any reason, you may wish
to turn this option off to avoid undesired
Further information. For further information,
please visit www.FlexiPanel. com.