The Stock Clock: A ZigBee Project. 1 of 23
The Stock Clock
A Sample ZigBee Implementation
Richard Hoptroff
Feature article submission to Circuit Cellar
2300 words, 2 listings (70 lines), 5 figures
Second draft
All text and figures available in electronic format
The Stock Clock: A ZigBee Project. 2 of 23
The Stock Clock
A Sample ZigBee Implementation
Last Christmas, yet another family member got one of those weather stations
where there’s a thermometer on a radio link so you can tell the temperature
outside without actually having to get out of your armchair. It’s sort of neat,
said the techie voice inside me, but this is the internet age. Why can’t it tell
me tomorrow’s weather forecast or the latest stock prices? Well let’s have a
Figure 1 shows the basic idea of the Stock Clock. A PC automatically goes to
a web page and picks up the stock price, weather forecast or whatever. It then
sends this information to a ZigBee Coordinator connected to the USB port.
This sends the data to a remote ZigBee End Device, which displays it on a dial
using a stepper motor. The project divides up into three parts: the PC
software, the Coordinator and the End Device.