Page 1 14-Oct-05 ZigBee for Applications Developers © FlexiPanel Ltd
ZigBee for Applications Developers
Bluetooth is fine for getting rid of that junk of cables
between personal devices. Wi-Fi manages the wireless
ethernet around our homes quite nicely. WiMax
promises to do the same for entire cities. So do we
really need another wireless protocol? The ZigBee
Alliance seems to think so, and here’s why: wireless
should mean wireless. Mains leads and power cables
are not invited.
No strings attached
The wireless-should-mean-wireless attitude has had a
profound effect on every layer of the wireless
architecture. Most noticeably, mesh and tree
networking are allowed in addition to the star networks
used by Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. This means that if you’re
not in range of the node (i.e. the ZigBee radio
transceiver) you want to communicate with, you can
ask other nodes in between to pass a message along.
Since halving the range of a radio reduces radio power
consumption by 75%, this is vital to achieving dramatic
power reductions without compromising range. It has
the side-effect of adding fault tolerance, too, since a
message can be routed ad-hoc. (Figure 1.)
Star Tree Cluster
Figure 1. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communicate in star networks.
Using routers, ZigBee also allows tree and cluster networks,
reducing power consumption and increasing range
The second noticeable difference is that there are three
distinct classes of node. At the bottom are the end
devices which probably represent the vast majority of
nodes. The ZigBee architecture ensures that these are
as dumb as possible and can spend most of their time in
sleep mode. This ensures they don’t cost much and
they don’t need their batteries replaced for years. Each
end device can have up to 240 end points which are
separate applications sharing the same radio. For
example, a three-gang light switch would have three
distinct end points sharing the same radio electronics
and battery.
At mid-level are routers. They must have the ability to
stack up messages for, and respond to general enquiries
about, end devices in their vicinity that are asleep.
They must also figure out the best way to pass on a
message to a nodes that is not in range.
At the top of the pile is the coordinator. It has to be
always on, so it is the one node that always needs a
good power source. In addition to being a router, it sets
the rules of the network, finds a free frequency channel
to operate on, etc. Practically speaking, routers and
coordinators will most likely be the same physical
devices and a jumper switch will allow you to switch
between the two.
Binding, KVPs and messages
The coordinator also manages the Key Value Pair
service. In ZigBee networks, data is abstracted as much
as possible into Key-Value Pairs (KVPs). The
coordinator has a master look-up table known as a
binding table that lists which nodes are interested in a
particular KVP. This not only keeps the message
passing simple, it saves the end points from knowing
who they need to send messages to. For example, a
light switch only has to tell the coordinator it wants to
modify a KVP from off to on. It is the coordinator
and/or router’s job to work out whether to then send an
‘on’ message to the bedside light or the runway lights at
Heathrow. (Figure 2).
The process of securely connecting different end points
to each other is known as binding. Typically, an end-
user will ‘bind’ two end points with compatible KVPs
by pressing a recessed button on each unit at the same
time. In secure networks authentication and encryption
processes will additionally be taking place under the
hood, but in a well designed ZigBee network the
installer would not be aware of this.
Once two nodes are bound, the coordinator will ensure
that any KVP message generated by one unit is
forwarded correctly. Nodes should be able to know
how to send and receive four basic types of KVP
message: Get to enquire a KVP value, Get Response to
reply to a Get, Set to modify a value and Event to signal
that a particular event has happened. Each type of
message also has a corresponding acknowledge
All off
Figure 2. Binding connects compatible ZigBee endpoints to
each other. The coordinator stores the binding table.
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message, and they all have XML schemas defined to
provide a seamless bridge to the internet.
Some applications may not suit the KVP service, so a
free-form message passing service is also provided.
End points do not need to be bound in order to send
messages to each other.
ZigBee, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi?
ZigBee, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are all relatively new
wireless technologies. The key comparison points are
shown in table 1. Essentially, ZigBee is best suited for
low-cost, low data rate and battery powered
applications. Point-to-point range is limited, but mesh
networking provides an alternative stepping-stone
approach to communicating over large distances.
Where a PC or cellphone is involved, there is some
overlap between Bluetooth and ZigBee. For example,
either technology could be used for activating your
garden lights from your cellphone. ZigBee can do the
job more cheaply, but Bluetooth is more likely to be
compatible with the phone you have in your pocket
today. Where you don’t want to go with ZigBee is
time-critical, high data rate applications such as audio
and video links.
Table 1 – Comparison of wireless technologies
Wi-Fi Bluetooth ZigBee
2.4GHz 2.4GHz
868 / 915 MHz
Stack size ~1Mb ~1Mb ~20kb
Raw data rate 11Mbps 1Mbps
250kbps (2.4GHz)
40kbps (915MHz)
20kbps (868MHz)
Number of
11 – 14 79
16 (2.4GHz)
10 (915MHz)
1 (868MHz)
Data types Digital
Key-Value Pairs
100m 10m – 100m 10m – 100m
# of devices 32 8 255 / 65535
Medium – hours
on one battery
Medium - days
on one battery
Very low – years
on one battery
Current market
High Medium None
Architectures Star Star Star, Tree, Cluster
Internet inside
Computer &
Low-cost control
and monitoring
Applications and profiles
For each type of ZigBee application, clusters of KVPs
are defined to achieve particular task. These are
grouped together to form a profile for the application.
For common applications, “public” profiles are
available so what you make will immediately
interoperate with other manufacturers’ products. For
example, the Home Control – Lighting profile includes
clusters for turning lights on an off, and for setting
dimming level.
At time of writing, profiles exist for Home Control (e.g.
lighting, heating), Building Automation (e.g. utilities,
energy monitoring within building) and Plant Control
(e.g. configuring, controlling and monitoring shop-floor
machinery). You can define your own profiles if the
existing ones do not suit your needs, and choose
whether to keep them proprietary or make them public
so other developers can make compatible devices.
The ZigBee Alliance is keen for people to develop
profiles public in their specialist areas. For example at
FlexiPanel Ltd we see a clear demand for RS232 and
RS485 cable replacement applications and are in the
process of ensuring public profiles are made available
for them. However, to propose a public profile requires
paying participant-level membership fees of $9500/year.
This would be prohibitive for developers of a ‘long tail’
of applications, from model railway controls to pot-
plant moisture monitoring, and seems a little short
sighted of the ZigBee Alliance.
The ZigBee stack
ZigBee, like other communications networks such as
Ethernet, IrDA and Bluetooth, divide up the
communications tasks into layers on a stack loosely
based on the 7-layer Open Systems Interconnection
model. At the top is the application that uses the data;
at the bottom is the actual transmission medium such as
coax, infrared or microwaves. In the middle is all the
glue so that applications on different nodes can
communicate securely and reliably without needing to
know anything’s going on in between, or how the data
got from place to place. The ZigBee standard is mostly
concerned with the higher layers of the stack; lower
layers adopt the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol.
Even if you intend to use an off-the-shelf ZigBee
module, it’s worth knowing a little about what-goes-on-
where in the stack so you can troubleshoot when having
difficulties and to understand all the tricks it has hiding
up its sleeve.
PHY - Physical
2.4GHz or 868/915MHz transceiver
MAC - Medium Access Control
Reliable communications between neighbors
IEEE 802.15.4 defined
ZigBee Alliance defined
Application developer defined
NWK - Network
Manages multi-hop network communications
APS - Application Support
Manages connections between applications objects
ZigBee Device Object
(Application Object 0)
object 1
object 2
object ...
object 240
Application endpoint
Device management
The IEEE802.15.4
/ ZigBee stack
Figure 3:
Referring to figure 3, the basic tasks of each layer in the
stack are as follows:
Physical Layer (PHY): The PHY layer consists of a
half duplex radio transceiver operating at 868MHz,
915MHz or 2.4GHz. 868MHz is license-free in Europe,
whereas 915MHz is license-free in North America and
Australia. 2.4GHz may be used practically worldwide,
and so is expected to dominate in future. It also has the
greatest number of channels available.
PCB design for 2.4GHz is definitely not for beginners,
so you really should consider buying a radio module,
complete with integral antenna, even if you feel
confident enough to develop the rest yourself. Most
radio modules come with FCC and CE certification,
include the MAC layer, and are based around chips
Security Services
for APS, NWK & MAC