Application Note
Accelerated Splice Protector Shrinking
The Greenlee Communications 910FS Fusion Splicer is capable of shrinking the splice protector in as little time
as 24 seconds. It is recommended that the default setting of 36 seconds is used so as to reduce the chance of
deformation of the splice due to excessive heat. Any deformation may cause a slightly higher loss.
How to Adjust the 910FS Settings for 24s Splice Shrinking
1. Access the Heat Mode.
2. Select the 60mm protector (the user can also select other splice protector sizes).
3. Select EDIT.
4. Increase the Heating Power to 200 bits from 175 bit for both Center and L-R heat TEMP. (Make sure
the heater mode is set to center side).
5. Check for uniform and complete splice sleeve shrinkage.
6. If the splice sleeve is not shrunk completely increase the Heating Power to 225 bit.
1. Some splice sleeves will require longer applications of heat to fully shrink. The technician must
monitor the completeness of the splice protector shrinkage and adjust the power accordingly. A
setting of 240 bit should be sufficient to shrink most splice protectors.
2. Excessive application of heat and or for prolonged duration may cause permanent damage to the
splice and or the acrylic coating of the fiber optic cable. The technician must monitor this and adjust
the heat power and duration accordingly.