A 10-kV Large-Area 4H-SiC Power DMOSFET
With Stable Subthreshold Behavior
Independent of Temperature
Robert S. Howell, Member, IEEE, Steven Buchoff, Stephen Van Campen, Member, IEEE,
Ty R. McNutt, Member, IEEE, Andris Ezis, Senior Member, IEEE, Bettina Nechay, Member, IEEE,
Christopher F. Kirby, Member, IEEE, Marc E. Sherwin, Member, IEEE,
R. Chris Clarke, Fellow, IEEE, and Ranbir Singh, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper presents the development and demon-
stration of large-area 10-kV 4H-SiC DMOSFETs that maintain
a classically stable low-leakage normally off subthreshold char-
acteristic when operated at 200
C. This is achieved by an
additional growth (epitaxial regrowth) of a thin epitaxial layer
on top of already implanted p-well regions in conjunction with a
O-based gate oxidation process. Additionally, the design space
of the DMOSFET structure was explored using analytical and
numerical modeling together with experimental verification. The
resulting 0.15-cm
active 0.43-cm
die DMOSFET with 10-kV
breakdown provides I
= 8 A at a gate field of 3 MV/cm, along
with a subthreshold current at V
= 0 V that decreases from
1 µA (6.7 µA/cm
C to 0.4 µA (2.7 µA/cm
) at 200
Index Terms—Power MOSFETs, power switching, silicon
carbide, subthreshold behavior.
F GREAT interest for high-voltage (10+ kV) switching
applications is the 4H-SiC DMOSFET because it com-
bines the high-breakdown low specific on-resistance of the
4H-SiC drift region with the majority carrier operation of the
MOSFET, thereby accruing both low switching losses and
the uniform current distribution needed for device paralleling.
These attributes have made the 4H-SiC DMOSFET attractive
as a potential candidate for insertion into future 10+ kV power
switching architectures [1]. The lower switching losses of the
SiC DMOSFET allow the architectures to be designed around
higher frequencies ( 20 kHz), substantially reducing the
overall system size and weight of solid-state power switching
Significant effort has been made in the development of 4H-
SiC DMOSFETs, primarily in the 1+-kV range, including
work on optimizing the design of the DMOSFET structure [2].
However, because of their thinner drift layers and low specific
Manuscript received November 29, 2007; revised May 1, 2008 and May 21,
2008. This work was supported by Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-
05-C-0203 under contract monitor Dr. Harry Dietrich. The review of this paper
was arranged by Editor J. Cooper.
R. S. Howell, S. Buchoff, S. Van Campen, T. R. McNutt, A. Ezis, B. Nechay,
C. F. Kirby, M. E. Sherwin, and R. C. Clarke are with Northrop Grumman
Corporation, Linthicum, MD 21090 USA (e-mail:
R. Singh is with GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc., Dulles, VA 20166 USA.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2008.928204
on-resistances, these lower voltage SiC DMOSFETs are smaller
in area and have different equivalent circuit design considera-
tions than used with 10-kV SiC DMOSFETs. The 10-kV SiC
DMOSFETs have recently been scaled up in current output,
with die sizes increasing from 0.11 cm
area) to 0.3 cm
active area) reported, capable of
5–10 A at room temperature [ 3], [4]. In addition to these useful
improvements in blocking voltage and
ON-state current, it is
essential that DMOSFETs demonstrate a stable subthreshold
characteristic over the projected operating temperature range
( 200
C). This is critical in order to satisfy the need for both a
normally off device and a device with an
OFF-state leakage that
does not compromise its blocking voltage at higher tempera-
tures. The large-area SiC DMOSFETs reported in the literature,
which have provided their subthreshold behavior as a function
of temperature, have tended to become normally on or have
OFF-state leakage when operated at high (> 150
temperatures due to an apparent temperature-dependent fixed
charge voltage shift in their subthreshold characteristic [5].
In order to create a viable 10+-kV SiC MOSFET, a robust
process is required that achieves a sustainable yield of large-
area devices that have low-leakage normally off subthreshold
characteristics above 150
C. In this paper, we report on the
successful development and demonstration of such a large-area
10+-kV SiC MOSFET process.
The fabrication of 4H-SiC DMOSFETs in the 10+-kV range
poses particular challenges resulting from the limitations of
currently available SiC material quality and the required thick
(100 µm) drift region to achieve 10+ kV, competing with the
need for large-area devices. As the power switching modules
that would use these 10-kV devices are specified to carry over
a hundred amperes, even paralleling several DMOSFET parts
in each module still requires each DMOSFET die to have a
large active area in addition to a large area devoted to junction
termination extension (JTE) that allows 10+-kV breakdown.
For example, at room temperature, a 100-µm drift region doped
at 5 × 10
that is appropriate for 10-kV blocking will
have a specific on-resistance of 133 m · cm
. Thus, consider-
ing the drift resistance alone, a 10-A part in a package capable
of removing 750 W/cm
of waste heat from the part would
0018-9383/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: George Mason University. Downloaded on March 18,2010 at 13:12:17 EDT from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
require at least an active area of 0.133 cm
, and when the
effects of self-heating at elevated power levels are considered,
an even larger active area would be required to maintain the
10-A current level and thereby compensate for the i ncreased
drift resistance associated with the inverse relationship between
carrier mobility and temperature. However, using 0.133-cm
active area as a baseline and if the active area is a square with
a lateral JTE length of 500 µm, the final die size would then
be 0.216 cm
. Large die areas such as this suffer from a pro-
nounced sensitivity to the defect density in the 4H-SiC material,
creating substantial challenges in developing robust processes
that have useful yields of 10-kV devices. This has been pre-
viously illustrated even at the 1-kV level, as 1200-V 4H-SiC
vertical JFETs have been reported to have a decrease in their ob-
served breakdown voltage with respect to the theoretical max-
imum allowed by the drift conditions, from 93% for VJFETs
with 1.23 × 10
active areas to 91% for 0.068-cm
active areas [6], [7].
These problems are in addition to the requirement that
4H-SiC MOSFETs maintain normally off behavior as a func-
tion of temperature. If, as has been observed [5], the subthresh-
old behavior shifts toward a normally
ON-state as a function
of increasing operating temperature, even if the device remains
normally off (i.e., a positive threshold voltage), the increase
OFF-state leakage associated with the shifting subthreshold
region can dramatically reduce the breakdown voltage of the
device independent of the JTE design.
In order to ameliorate these issues, a successful large-area
10+-kV MOSFET is required to employ a higher degree of
margin in the design rules and process techniques than used
for lower voltage material. An example of this is in the choice
of drift thickness and doping. Assuming the adoption of a
punchthrough structure, a theoretical 10-kV breakdown could
be achieved with a 75-µm-thick drift doped at 9×10
with a specific on-resistance of only 57 m · cm
, which is
less than half the specific on-resistance of drifts actually used
in 10-kV devices. The reason for t he difference is twofold:
1) The defects inherent in the material reduce the achievable
breakdown voltage of the device, a problem exacerbated for
larger devices which contain more defects, and 2) variations
in thickness and doping of epitaxially grown films necessitate
conservative specifications for these films in order to ensure that
the resulting drift layer will be capable of blocking the desired
Fig. 1 shows an analytical model of the breakdown for a
4H-SiC punchthrough drift structure as a function of thickness
and doping level. Given the presence of defects and limitations
on JTE design due to process variance, an at least 25% margin
above the 10-kV range is desirable to maximize the likelihood
of achieving 10-kV MOSFETs with reasonable yield. Addition-
ally, the epitaxial vendor was only able to specify doping within
±25% and thickness within ±10% for this region of thick, low
doped drift. Thus, Fig. 1 highlights the resulting region for a
nominally 100-µm layer doped at 5 × 10
, becoming
90–110 µm and 3.75 × 10
6.25 × 10
based on these
error bars, respectively, and shows that the minimum break-
down for this process space is 12.5 kV, incorporating the desired
25% margin above 10 kV.
Fig. 1. Analytical model of breakdown voltage for a SiC punchthrough drift
region nominally doped at 45 × 10
(±25%) and 100 µm(±10%)
thick, appropriate for 10-kV operation with a 25% margin.
Having defined an appropriate drift region thickness and
doping to meet the OFF-state blocking, the ON-state properties
still require optimization, involving both the MOS channel
characteristics ( mobility, threshold voltage, etc.) and the physi-
cal layout of the device. Unlike 1+-kV SiC DMOSFETs which
are very sensitive to channel resistance and channel mobility,
the higher resistance of the drift in 10-kV DMOSFETs makes
the channel resistance and mobility much less of a contributor
to the total device on-resistance. DMOSFETs of 10 kV do,
however, share a common sensitivity to threshold voltage and
subthreshold stability as a function of temperature. It has been
observed, however, that SiC MOS channels of higher mobility
and lower resistance, which are formed using an NO oxidation
method, have low and even normally on threshold voltages, as
well as subthreshold characteristics that shift toward a leaky
state as temperature increases [5]. For this reason, a twofold
approach to stabilizing the threshold voltage as a function of
temperature was taken. First, the channel performance was
improved using an epitaxial regrowth (performed at Northrop
Grumman Corporation) above the implanted p-well region in
conjunction with a N
O gate oxidation process. The use of
a similar epitaxial regrowth layer above the implanted p-well
has previously been shown to improve the channel resistance
[8], [9] and, in this paper, is shown to also improve the sub-
threshold/temperature characteristics. The second aspect was to
design and fabricate an array of small-area DMOSFETs in order
to pragmatically explore the device geometry design space.
Efforts to explore the 10-kV DMOSFET geometry design
space and the channel process were performed in parallel, to
be combined together in an optimized large-area device after
obtaining the results from both experimental thrusts. The design
space optimization focused on the pitch of the DMOSFET
cell, examining gate length, JFET spacing, and N+ source
contact length effects on the device performance. Fig. 2 shows
a representative cross section of the DMOSFET, with the var-
ious regions of interest being highlighted. A s hort gate length
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