VIAVI Solutions
VIAVI Solutions
Test Challenge
Service providers and operators bundle DSL access, data
for web services, VoIP, and IP video into one subscriber
package. Field technicians are often overwhelmed with
the complexity of testing all of these technologies
simultaneously, so test methods and procedures are
not followed consistently. Consequently, operators
struggle with an unnecessarily high equipment swap-
out rate as technicians replace working equipment
like DSL modems or set-top boxes (STBs) in order to
troubleshoot problems. This often requires a second
customer visit to solve the problem, leading to high
technician repeat rates. Another drawback is that
operators also miss using insightful test data from
the field to improve their network design and quality
of service (QoS).
Application Note
Using the SmartClass TPS
OneCheck Test with
Pass/Fail Results to Verify
Triple-Play Services Quality
Addressing the Challenge with
the SmartClass TPS
The SmartClass™ TPS OneCheck is an automated
test on DSL, data throughput, VoIP, and video
that provides clear pass/fail results.
The VIAVI SmartClass TPS tester is the ideal tool for technicians
who install, troubleshoot, and maintain Triple-Play services.
VoIP, Video
Figure 1. SmartClass TPS OneCheck automates DSL, data, VoIP, and video
testing with pass/fail results to significantly reduce test time.
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The SmartClass TPS OneCheck automates DSL, data, VoIP, and video testing providing technicians with pass/
fail results, so they can get the job done faster.. Automated tests include a DSL test for ADSL2+/VDSL2 and
DSL bonding, an IPv4/IPv6 ping test, a data file transfer test with an optional concurrent stream test for
higher bandwidth utilization, a video test on all available channels, and a VoIP call test with automated voice
announcement. The OneCheck test significantly reduces test times so technicians can test all services with minimal
training and provides operators with all of the field test data so they can improve QoS and reduce repeat repairs.
Figure 2. Launching the SmartClass TPS
OneCheck test lets technicians use enable
or disable to choose which tests to run.
Figure 3. Running the SmartClass TPS
OneCheck test, technicians can stop,
resume, or reset the test.
Figure 4. After completing the SmartClass
TPS OneCheck test, technicians receive
pass/fail results for the tests conducted
that they can save in CSV, HTML,
or PDF file format.
Table 1. SmartClass TPS OneCheck test metrics
Test What it tests Why is it needed?
Physical link
DSL with pass/fail on connection rate, maximum rate,
noise margin, and attenuation
High data rates achieved with VDSL and/or DSL
bonding are more susceptible to impairments
due to a higher transmission frequency range and
complex protocols. Good QoS on data, VoIP, and
video services requires a pristine physical link.
Network authentication using IPoE/IPoE6 or PPPoE, with
user login status information
Certifying the network during customer service
IP ping Connectivity and delay time through the network with
pass/fail results for receiving a successful ping reply within
set timing thresholds (average or maximum ping time)
Network delay is crucial, especially with high-
interaction applications such as gaming.
File upload File upload rates using FTP or HTTP protocol with pass/fail
results for targeted rates
DSL profile parameters, such as impulse noise
protection (INP) and delay and network
aggregation issues, determine user-experienced
data speeds.
File download File download rate using FTP or HTTP protocol with pass/
fail results for targeted rates
DSL profile parameters, such as INP and delay
and network aggregation issues, determine user-
experienced data speeds.
Video Verifies that all video channels based on a loaded channel
list are available and perform according to QoS thresholds
(latency, jitter, loss) with pass/fail results
Verify video channel availability and quality to
meet customer expectations.
VoIP Registration at the gateway by placing an automated or
manual call with call quality according to QoS thresholds
(loss, jitter, delay) with pass/fail results and includes an
MOS result.
Ensure that service setup and provisioning match
the customer profile. Verify connectivity beyond
the signaling gateway and ensure user-perceived
premium call quality.
*The physical link can be ADSL2+/VDSL, ADSL/VDSL bonding, or Ethernet 10/100 Mbps.