Mercator museum, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
Mercator goes digital with Barco’s RLM projectors
Ever heard of Gerardus Mercator? The map enthusiasts among us surely have. The
mapping technique of geographer/cartographer/mathematician Mercator literally
changed the way people saw the world. No wonder that his birthplace, the Belgian
town of Rupelmonde, is proud of its famous inhabitant.
To commemorate the 500th anniversary of Mercator’s birth, in 2012, the Mercator
Museum brought his work to life in an exciting digital exhibition. Four Barco RLM-W6
projectors, integrated by Maverick ICS, took visitors on a digital trip around the world
anno 1541.
Maverick ICS had promised the
RLM-W6 projectors would be quiet
but we couldn’t believe how quiet
they really were. On top of that,
they have proven their quality and
reliability every day.
Ward Bohé, curator, Mercator Museum
The Mercator Museum in Sint-Niklaas,
close to Mercator’s birth town, called
in the help of researchers from Ghent
University, amongst other experts, to set
up the prestigious digital exhibition in
honor of Mercator. Over 12,000 people
visited the temporary expo. And many
more will do so in the future, as the
exhibit will travel to several renowned
museums throughout Europe.
Centerpieces of the Mercator Digital
exhibition included Mercator’s original
globe from 1541, his celestial globe
from 1551 and some of his atlases. In
seven kiosks, visitors found a digital pre-
sentation of different aspects of his life,
his work and its scientific impact. Com-
puter animations, video coverage and
interactive touch screens put the maps,
atlases and globes in an exciting, con-
temporary context.
Plenty of museum references
“Kiosk 1, where we invited visitors to
travel around the world in the 16th cen-
tury, had to be one of the highlights of
the exhibit,” said museum curator Ward
Bohé. “We believed projection would
be the best way to zoom in on diverse
details of the rotating globe as it was
pictured by Mercator in 1541.” The team
immediately thought of Barco projec-
tors, which they consider the leading
provider of visualization solutions. Barco
integrator/partner Maverick ICS was se-
lected for media design and to deliver
the projection systems, on account of its
countless references in other Belgium
museums, like the Sagalassos exhibi-
tion in Tongeren or the MAS in Antwerp.
Both Barco and Maverick ICS offered
sponsorship support too.
Three-chip DLP brightness
Bohé and Johan Schelfhout, Managing
Director of Maverick ICS, sat around the
table frequently to work out the best
concept. “The challenges were similar
to those of most exhibitions. We wanted
a rear-projection system that would en-
sure uniform, bright images on a me-
dium-sized screen, with rich color, even
from some distance and from different
angles. On top of that, the projectors
had to be silent, so that they would not
disturb the experience of the visitors.
And they had to be reliable, of course,
to ensure permanent uptime with-
out a falloff in quality. I was confident
the three-chip RLM-W6 DLP projectors
would be the perfect fit for the job. At
a very competitive price, by the way.”
Ten times as silent
Barco’s RLM-W6 is the world’s first
three-chip DLP projector that is avail-
able for the price of a single-chip DLP
product. That means users can enjoy
Barco nv
Pres. Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Tel. +32 56 36 80 47 - Fax + 32 56 36 83 86
the ultimate in color and image qual-
ity - WUXGA 1920X1200 resolution and
6,000 lumens light output -, without too
much pressure on their budget. More-
over, the RLM-W6 is ten times as silent
and consumes 33% less power than
comparable projectors. Its noise-reduc-
ing and power-saving design, as well
as its user-friendliness, make it ideal for
use in large, public exhibitions.
Quality and reliability
Johan had promised the projectors would
be quiet but we couldn’t believe how
quiet they really were,” Bohé laughed.
“On top of that, they have proven their
quality and reliability every day. Look-
ing back on the past six months, we
are very satisfied with the installation
as well as the professional support from
Maverick ICS. Johan was available 24/7,
even on weekend days.”
The closing of the exhibition in Sint-
Niklaas, at the end of August 2012, was
not the end of Mercator Digital. Differ-
ent museums and projects abroad, in-
cluding the Scheepvaartmuseum (Na-
tional Maritime Museum) in Amsterdam
have shown interest in renting parts of
the exhibit. As for the RLM-W6 projec-
tors, the customer was so pleased with
the Barco gear that it will permanently
move to the actual Mercator Museum it-
self, which has big plans to go digital for
all its exhibits very soon.
Mercator museum
Challenges and objectives:
High-quality projectors with low noise levels
Barco solution and services:
4 x Barco RLM-W6 projectors
Additional services by Maverick ICS: 24/7 support
(incl. swap with own Barco projectors in case of failure)
Why Barco:
Low-noise projector
Precise color and image quality (3-chip DLP)
Excellent uniformity and brightness for medium
screen sizes (5 m screen width) and rear projection
without hotspot and falloff
Green projector: long lamp life duration and low
energy consumption