Charge/Discharge Battery Test System
PFX2000 Series
Part No. Z1-004-912, IB021304
May. 2016
5V-5A 2-ch Charge/Discharge
Power Supply Unit
20V-10A Charge/Discharge
Power Supply Unit
Communication Control Unit
Large Capacity Frame
When the charge/discharge system controller PFX2511 is
used with the communication control unit PFX2121, please
refer to the operation manual of the PFX2511.
Marked Products
Use of Operation Manual
Please read through and understand this Operation Manual before operating the product. After reading,
always keep the manual nearby so that you may refer to it as needed. When moving the product to another
location, be sure to bring the manual as well.
If you find any incorrectly arranged or missing pages in this manual, they will be replaced. If the manual
gets lost or soiled, a new copy can be provided for a fee. In either case, please contact Kikusui distributor/
agent, and provide the “Kikusui Part No.” given on the cover.
This manual has been prepared with the utmost care; however, if you have any questions, or note any errors
or omissions, please contact Kikusui distributor/agent.
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Both unit specifications and manual contents are subject to change without notice.
Copyright© 2010 Kikusui Electronics Corporation