PART NO. Z1-002-642, IB00325A
Jun. 2013
PFX2000 Series
Application Software
Hardware Configuration Concept 8
Software installation and
Hardware configuration 12
Test Condition Editor
Before entering the data of the
test conditions 23
Setting the Module 24
Enter the battery information 26
Setting the Protections 27
Settinn the Impedance
Measurement 30
Setting the Sequence 34
About Sequence Sheet 37
CC-CV Charge mode 38
CC Charge mode 39
Pulse Charge mode 40
The Setting Description for
the Charge Conditions 43
Predischarge 46
CC Discharge mode 47
CP Discharge mode 48
CC-Pulse Discharge mode 49
CP-Pulse Discharge mode 51
The Setting Descriptions for
the Discharge Conditions 53
Saving the test conditions file 55
Common Sequence Templete 56
Range of Test Condition Settings 58
Test Executive
Before executing test 65
Binding Channels to Groups 66
Assigning Test Conditions 67
Executing Tests 69
Resetting Alarms 78
Synchronized Testing with a
Temperature Chamber 80
Impedance Measurement 82
Alarms 90
Folders and Files 104
Graph Viewer
Before analyzing test results 109
Displaying Graphs 110
2 BPChecker2000
BPChecker2000 is a dedicated application software for the
PFX2000 Series Charge/Discharge Battery Test System and
the PFX2500 Series Charge/Discharge System Controller.
BPChecker2000 enables you to set the conditions of the
battery charge/discharge characteristics tests, execute the
tests, and analyze the test results on a PC.
CD-ROM containing the program
User’s Manual (Z1-002-642)
This manual is intended for first-time users of the
BPChecker2000. It describes required environment settings,
installation procedure for the application software, and gives
an overview of various programs.
If you find any incorrectly arranged or missing pages in this
manual, they will be replaced. If the manual gets lost or soiled,
a new copy can be provided for a fee. In either case, please
contact Kikusui distributor/agent, and provide the “Kikusui Part
No.” given on the cover.
This manual has been prepared with the utmost care;
however, if you have any questions, or note any errors or
omissions, please contact Kikusui distributor/agent.
Product Version Covered
This user’s manual covers BPChecker2000 version 3.1x.
The version of the BPChecker2000 can be referred to the
"Information of the BPChecker2000" in the HELP menu.
Related manuals
The detailed information for the PFX2000 series and PFX2500
series, please refer to the operation manual respectively.
Help File
You can open the help file from the Help menu of
BPChecker2000. The help file includes all the information in
this manual except the installation procedure. It also
includes some contents that are not covered in this manual.
The Group Administrator can be referred to only the HELP
file (it can be viewed by the F1 key).
Start Guide
PDF documents (PFX2011 tutorial.pdf for the PFX2011,
PFX2021 tutorial.pdf for the PFX2021) in the “tutor” folder
on the CD-ROM. The guides are structured so that even
first-time users can easily run the tests by using the sample
test conditions file in the same folder.
Graph Viewer Operating Procedure
A PDF document named Graph Viewer.pdf in the “tutor”
folder on the CD-ROM. This document explains the operat-
ing procedures of the Graph Viewer, a test result analysis
program. This PDF document uses manu screen images of
the Graph Viewer so that even first-time users can easily
understand the procedure.
Trademark acknowledgements
Microsoft, Windows, and Visual Basic are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, USA.
Pentium is a trademark of Intel Corporation, USA.
National Instruments, NI-488, and NI-488.2 are the registered
trademark of National Instruments Corporation, USA.
Other company, brand, and product names provided in this
manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
The contents of this manual may not be reproduced, in whole
or in part, without the prior consent of the copyright holder.
The specifications of this product and the contents of this
manual are subject to change without prior notice.
© 2009-2013 Kikusui Electronics Corporation
Before starting battery tests using this application software,
please thoroughly read the PFX2000 Series or PFX2500
Series Operation Manual that describes the system hardware.
Use extreme caution to make correct connections and handle
the components of the system properly. Improper connections
or handling can lead to serious accidents such as damage to
or explosion of the DUT (battery).
The system is equipped with many functions for protecting the
DUT (battery) both by hardware and software. Some of the
protection functions enable you to set appropriate values
according to the test conditions. Unless there is a special
reason not to do so, use these protection functions when
performing tests.
In the interest of brevity, the PFX2000 Series Charge/Dis-
charge Battery System shall be hereafter reffered to as the
“PFX2000 Series”.
In the interest of brevity, the PFX2500 Series Charge/Dis-
charge System Controller shall be hereafter reffered to as
the “PFX2500 Series”.
In the interest of brevity, the BPChecker2000 Application
Software (SD002) shall be hereafter reffered to as the
In the interest of brevity, the Voltage of DUT (battery) shall
be hereafter reffered to as the “Battery voltage”.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if
ignored, may result in damage to the product and other
Indicates information that you should know.
Indicates reference to detailed information.
Indicates menu settings and setting of Test Condition
Editor that you select. The menu item to the left of the >
symbol is a higher level menu.
Package Contents
How to Read This Manual
Safety Precautions
Notations used in this manual