“Cooling System Technology that leads clients' business to success”
High Cooling Performance/Low Noise Measures:
High Performance Liquid Cooling System
Toshiki Ogawara Tomoaki Ikeda
1. Introduction
The heating value of devices has tended to rise in re-
cent years, reflecting the increasingly high-speed and
high-performance nature of information equipment such
as personal computers. The heat density in devices has
also been rising with miniaturization and high density
mounting. Technical advances in microprocessor units
(MPU), which serve as the brain of computers, have been
especially remarkable, with continual gains in speed,
performance and capacity. Accompanying these gains,
the heating value of microprocessors has been rising rap-
idly. That in turn increases the need for a cooling device
with high cooling performance, to cool the microprocessor.
Another recent trend has been growing demand for in-
formation equipment to generate less noise, as an envi-
ronmental measure.
SANYO DENKI has been developing cooling devices
that respond to these demands for high cooling perform-
ance and reduced noise.
But we believe that the needs of our customers will
continue to rise in the future. And conventional cooling
devices using the air cooling system may ultimately be
unable keep pace.
Anticipating that situation, we have been developing a
cooling device that employs an alternative technology in
the form of a liquid cooling system.
This paper discusses the technical problems of the
conventional air cooling MPU cooler, and introduces the
new liquid cooling system developed by SANYO DENKI.
For more details, please refer to the article introducing
the new product: “High Performance Liquid Cooling
System SAN ACE MC Liquid” in this series.
2. Issues with the Conventional Approach
To respond to growing demand from customers for
better cooling performance, SANYO DENKI has intro-
duced cooling devices for microprocessors using the air
cooling system. This system consists of a cooling fan and
heat sink.
The structure of a typical air cooling MPU air condi-
tioner is explained as follows.
An air cooling MPU cooler consists of three parts: a fan
motor, a heat sink, and thermal interface material (TIM).
Heat from the MPU is conducted to the heat sink
through the TIM. Heat conducted from the MPU is dif-
fused throughout the heat sink because the heat sink
material has excellent heat conduction. Aluminum, coo-
per or a combination of the two are used for the main
currents of the heat sink, balancing performance and
manufacturing cost. In addition, a fin is used to generate
a heat radiation effect by enlarging the surface area of
the heat sink as much as possible. The fan motor is
added to force wind towards this fin.
Fig. 1 shows an example of an air cooling MPU cooler.
Fan Motor
Heat Sink
Fig.1 Example of an Air Cooling MPU Cooler
The air cooling MPU cooler generates greater heat
conduction from the heat sink into the air by using the
fan motor to force air into the heat sink.
Heat conduction from the heat sink into the air is
based on the following concept.
The concept is called convection heat transfer, in which
heat moves from a solid wall to fluid when the fluid flows
along the surface of the solid, as shown in Fig. 2. When
the fluid is forced along by a fan or other means, it is
called forced convection heat transfer.
The heat transfer value using forced convection heat
transfer can be expressed as shown below. This is called
Newton’s cooling law.
Q=h・S・( 1- 2)=h・S・⊿T・・・・・(1)
Heat transfer value()
Surface area of the solid(Heat Sink)(
Heat Transfer Coefficient(W/
T Surface temperature of the solid ()
T Temperature of the fluid ()
T Temperature difference ( 1- 2) (K)
This shows the degree of ease of heat transfer. The
larger the transfer, the greater the heat transfer coeffi-
cient (W/
It is generally difficult to show the heat transfer coeffi-
cient because the value changes significantly, according
to the nature of the fluid, the state of fluid flow, and the
shape of the solid wall, but is proportional to the 0.8th
power of the velocity of the flow in the case of a turbulent
flow. When the flow of fluid is a laminar flow, the heat
transfer coefficient is in proportion to the 0.5th power of
the velocity of flow
Fig. 3 shows the range of a rough heat transfer coefficient.
3|SANYO DENKI Technical Report No18 Nov. 2004
Fig. 2 Movement of Heat by Convective Heat Transfer
Fig. 3 Outline Value of Heat Transfer Coefficient
(1) As the expression shows, the heat transfer
coefficient improves by increasing the surface area. The
heat transfer coefficient also grows, by speeding up the
flow velocity of air. This improves the heat transfer
SANYO DENKI has been using a larger heat sink with
larger heat radiation area and a high air volume fan to
achieve high cooling performance as the calorific value
increases with improvements in the MPU.
This approach has raised new problems, such as
increasing size and mass. The heat sink manufacturing
technology has become more complex with improvements
in the surface area. And noise has increased as the
rotation speed of the fan motor has accelerated to gener-
ate high air volume.
Nonetheless, we continue to push back the limits of
cooling efficiency and noise reduction using air cooling
3. New Demands and Our Response
The Thermally Speed Controlled Fan, the rotation
speed of which is changeable depending on the tempera-
ture of the inner housing, is now being used for MPU
coolers, in response to customer demands for high cooling
performance and low noise. Fan rotation speed is sup-
pressed and noise is reduced at low temperatures when
there is still a margin in cooling performance. Fan rota-
tion speed is increased to provide cooling as the tem-
perature of the inner housing rises with device operation.
The MPU cooler, which combines high cooling perform-
ance and low noise, has been commercialized, employing
the Thermally Speed Controlled Fan.
We have recently introduced an air cooling MPU cooler
that has not only the thermally controlled function, but
also a function that carefully controls the rotation speed
of the fan based on the state of MPU operation. This
helps to reduce the noise generated by information
equipment such as personal computers. This function
lowers noise by suppressing the rotation speed of the fan
when the MPU load is small, which is namely when less
heat is generated by the MPU, even if the temperature
inside the housing is high.
Consequently, we now have a product that considers
noise when it is built into a customer’s device, achieving
a coexistence of high cooling performance and low noise.
As customers increasingly value silent information
equipment, there will be growing demand for cooling de-
vices to generate even less noise.
Responding to these demand, the high performance
liquid cooling system, SAN ACE MC Liquid uses the es-
tablished cooling technology of the liquid cooling system
to simultaneously achieve high cooling performance and
low noise.
4. New Solution: Liquid Cooling System
The liquid cooling system consists of a cold plate, a ra-
diator, a pump, a tube, and a fan motor.See Fig. 4
In the liquid cooling system, a cold plate absorbs the
heat from the MPU, and liquid flows on the cold plate the
deprive the cold plate of its heat. After removing the heat
from the cold plate, the liquid itself is warm, so it is sent
to the radiator, and then radiated from the radiator by
the air sent by the fan motor. The liquid is thus cooled,
and then again circulates around the cold plate once
again depriving the cold plate of its heat. An electric
pump is used to circulate the liquid.
The heat exchange using the cold plate and radiator is
based on Newton’s cooling law, explained in clause 2 of
this text.
The liquid cooling system is using liquid as a heat
transmission medium. Because the heat transfer
coefficient of liquid is very high (refer to Fig. 3) compared
with air, the liquid can form a cooling system with a
large heat transfer value and high cooling performance.
Although liquid cooling is an established technology, it
has now begun to be used for information equipment
such as personal computers.
Surface Area S[m
Q [
SolidHeat Generation
Heat Transfer Coefficienth
T2 < T1
Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m
Flow Velocity of Air : 315m/s
Flow Velocity of Liquid : 0.31.5m/s
3 4
10 10
10 10 10
Liquid (Water)
Liquid (Water)
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