Wall Industries, Inc.
Wall Industries, Inc. • 37 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833 • Tel: 603-778-2300 • Toll Free: 888-597-9255 • Fax 603-778-9797 • e-mail: sales@wallindustries.com
Wall Industries is aware of the position that the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), the
Electronic Components, Assemblies and Materials Association (ECA), and the Tantalum-Niobium
International Study Center (TIC) to avoid the use of conflict metals which directly or indirectly finance or
benefit armed groups in the DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo) or its adjoining countries. Wall
Industries is aware of this conflict metal free policy that restricts the use of those metals in conflict and
mining from the DRC and its adjoining countries.
Wall Industries conducts periodic reviews with the subcontractors to ensure that they are aware of the
“Conflict-free Metal” policy, and will address any future business with any supplier found purchasing
materials which directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the DRC or its adjoining countries.
Wall Industries will continue to monitor the EICC, ECA, and TIC and its goals of greater transparency in the
supply chain.
Name/Title: Charles Bickford / Quality Assurance
Date: 06/10/2014