Adafruit Trinket M0
Created by lady ada
Last updated on 2019-10-31 09:50:18 PM UTC
The Adafruit Trinket M0 may be small, but do not be fooled by its size! It's a tiny microcontroller board, built around the
Atmel ATSAMD21, a little chip with
a lot
of power. We wanted to design a microcontroller board that was small enough
to fit into any project, and low cost enough to use without hesitation. Perfect for when you don't want to give up your
expensive dev-board and you aren't willing to take apart the project you worked so hard to design. It's our lowest-cost
CircuitPython programmable board!
We've taken the same form factor we used for the original ATtiny85-based Trinket ( and gave it an
upgrade. The Trinket M0 has swapped out the lightweight ATtiny85 for a ATSAMD21E18 powerhouse. It's just as small,
and it's easier to use, so you can do more.
The most exciting part of the Trinket M0 is that while you can use it with the Arduino IDE, we are shipping it with
CircuitPython on board. When you plug it in, it will show up as a very small disk drive with on it.
Edit with your favorite text editor to build your project using Python, the most popular programming language.
No installs, IDE or compiler needed, so you can use it on any computer, even ChromeBooks or computers you can't
install software on. When you're done, unplug the Trinket M0 and your code will go with you.
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