General Terms and Conditions of Sale of
Lumberg Connect GmbH
hereinafter referred to as Lumberg
I. General Provisions
1. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply exclusively. Lumberg
neither recognizes conflicting conditions nor deviating terms and condi-
tions of sale of the Purchaser unless Lumberg expressly agreed to their
application in writing. These Terms and Conditions of Sale apply even in
the case of Lumberg being aware of the Purchaser’s terms and conditions
conflicting with, or deviating from these General Terms and Conditions of
Sale and performing the Purchaser’s delivery without reservation.
2. All agreements made between Lumberg and the Purchaser for the pur-
pose of fulfilling this contract are stipulated in writing in this contract.
3. These Terms and Conditions of Sale apply exclusively to companies in the
meaning of Sect. 310 (1) BGB (German Civil Code).
4. These Terms and Conditions of Sale apply equally to any and all future
business between Lumberg and the Purchaser.
5. Offers (e.g. quantity, delivery time, price) are without obligation and
non-binding. Concrete delivery obligations shall come into being only
upon order confirmation. Cost estimates, drawings, drafts and other doc-
uments (hereafter referred to as the Documents) can be adjusted. These
shall only be binding where Lumberg expressly designates them as such.
6. Lumberg shall reserve unlimited proprietary rights and copyrights to all
Documents. Documents shall be made available to third parties only
where Lumberg has indicated prior consent or where this is necessary
owing to legal regulations. Documents shall not be exploited in any other
way without the consent of Lumberg. In the event that the order is not
awarded, Documents must be returned immediately upon request.
7. Partial deliveries shall be permitted where deemed reasonable by the
II. Delivery Deadlines, Delay
1. Delivery periods and deadlines specified by Lumberg shall refer to the
shipping date of the goods. The meeting of a delivery deadline shall
require that all Documents, necessary permits and approvals, especially of
plans, shall be furnished by the Purchaser on time, in addition to the
Purchaser’s compliance with the agreed terms of payment and other obli-
gations. If these requirements are not met in time, those deadlines shall
be extended accordingly. However, this clause shall not apply on condi-
tion that the delay is Lumberg's responsibility. Lumberg reserves the right
to object to unfulfilled contracts.
2. Force majeure or events which prevent Lumberg from supplying or which
considerably impair such goods at no fault of Lumberg's shall entitle
Lumberg to postpone the date of delivery or withdraw from the contract.
3. In the event that Lumberg is unable to meet an agreed deadline on
account of reasons for which it is responsible, or if the company defaults
for any other reason, the Purchaser shall be obliged to grant a reasonable
period of grace. Lumberg is liable in accordance with legal regulations
insofar as the delayed delivery is due to the willful or gross negligent
breach of contract for which Lumberg is responsible. Any representative
or vicarious agent at fault shall be attributed to Lumberg. Insofar as the
delayed delivery is due to a gross negligent breach of contract for which
Lumberg is responsible, Lumberg’s liability for damages shall be limited
to the foreseeable damage that typically occurs.
4. Lumberg shall be liable in accordance with legal regulations insofar as
the underlying contract constitutes a fixed date transaction in the mean-
ing of Section 286 (2) no. 4 BGB (German Civil Code), or of Section 376
HGB (German Commercial Code). Lumberg shall equally be held liable in
accordance with legal regulations insofar as the consequence of a de -
layed delivery for which Lumberg is responsible results in the Purchaser
being entitled to enforce that his interest in the further fulfillment of the
contract turned out in discontinuance.
5. Lumberg shall also be liable in accordance with legal regulations if the
delayed delivery for which Lumberg is responsible is due to the culpable
violation of a major contractual obligation. In this case, however, the lia-
bility for damages shall be limited to the foreseeable damage that typi-
cally occurs.
6. Where Lumberg defaults, Lumberg shall be liable for each full week of
delay to effect a lump-sum compensation amounting to 0.5% of the
delivery value, yet not exceeding 5% of the delivery value.
7. In the case of call orders without agreement on specific delivery dead-
lines, Lumberg shall be entitled to demand a mandatory definition of
such dates up to three months after the confirmation of order. If the
Purchaser fails to comply with this request within three weeks, Lumberg
shall be entitled to impose a second deadline of two weeks and withdraw
from the contract after this period has expired or reject any delivery, and
claim compensation.
8. If the Purchaser is in default of acceptance, he culpably breaches his duty
to co-operate, or if at the request of the Purchaser the dispatch or deliv-
ery are delayed by more than one month after readiness for shipping has
been indicated, storage charges amounting to 0.5% of the price of the
objects of delivery may be imposed on the Purchaser for every month
commencing (up to a maximum of 5%). The contracting parties are at lib-
erty to furnish evidence of higher or lower storage charges. The right to
assert further claims or rights remains reserved.
9. Insofar as the requirements as set forth under no. (8) apply, the risk of
accidental loss or accidental deterioration of the delivery passes to the
Purchaser at such moment when the latter comes into default of accept-
10. If the contract entered into obliges Lumberg to deliver in advance,
Lumberg may refuse to fulfill the performance owed if it becomes appar-
ent after entering into the contract that Lumberg’s right to consideration
is jeopardized as a result of the Purchaser’s lack of performance capabili-
ty. This applies in particular if the consideration to which Lumberg is enti-
tled, due to a substantial deterioration in the Purchaser’s financial situa-
tion, is jeopardized.
III. Dispatch, Transfer of Risk, Return of Packaging
1. The risk shall be transferred to the Purchaser even in the case of a pre-
paid delivery as soon as the goods have left Lumberg's manufacturing
location. Lumberg may choose the means of transport at its discretion
unless a specific type of transport has been agreed with the Purchaser. A
transport insurance shall only be taken out following a separate agree-
ment. If the dispatch is delayed for reasons beyond Lumberg's responsi-
bility, any risk shall be transferred to the Purchaser at the time readiness
for shipping is communicated; Lumberg shall then have the right to store
the goods at the expense of the Purchaser (art. II no. 8).
2. Lumberg shall only accept the return of used transport packaging (with-
in the meaning of the Packaging Regulations) if the latter is returned
with carriage prepaid, to Lumberg's manufacturing location.
IV. Pricing, Terms of Payment, Default
1. Unless otherwise indicated in the order confirmation, prices shall apply ex
works, excluding packaging, which will be invoiced separately.
2. If the agreed delivery period exceeds four (4) months, Lumberg shall have
the right at the expiry of that time to consider alterations of cost factors
having occurred in the meantime (especially due to changes in the price
of materials or due to collective agreements) by adapting its prices or by
a recalculation.
3. Statutory value added tax is not included in the prices and is itemized on
the invoice on the day of invoicing in the statutory amount.
4. Any discount is subject to a separate written agreement.
5. Unless the order confirmation states otherwise, the purchase price is
payable net (without deduction) within 30 days as of the invoice date.
The statutory regulations pertaining to consequences of a default of pay-
ment apply.
6. The Purchaser is only entitled to rights of offsetting if his counterclaims
have been established as final and absolute, are undisputed or recog-
nized by Lumberg. Also, the Purchaser is entitled to exercise a right of
retention insofar as his counterclaim is based on the same contractual
7. If the Purchaser fails to meet his payment obligations toward Lumberg in
time, Lumberg shall be entitled to make all claims (including those based
on a draft) due immediately and make any further deliveries conditional
on immediate payment. This shall also apply if circumstances become
known which may cause doubts as to the Purchaser’s credit-worthiness
V. Liability for Material Defects
Lumberg shall be liable for material defects as follows:
1. Claims for defects of the Purchaser require that the Purchaser properly
complied with his owed duties of inspection and notification of defects
pursuant to Section 377 BGB (German Civil Code).
2. Notice must be given in writing of material defects, incorrect deliveries
and deliveries of a quantity less than contracted as well as defects that
are visible, without delay and at the latest within 10 days of receipt of the
goods at the point of destination. Where concealed defects are ascer-
tained, these must be notified in writing within three (3) working days of
3. All parts or services found to be defective within the period of limitation
– irrespective of the time of operation – must be, at the discretion of the
Purchaser, reworked free of charge, supplied anew or rendered anew,
provided that the cause of the material defect already existed at the time
risk was transferred.
4. Delivery quality and/or quality agreements that differ from those defined
by Lumberg must be agreed in writing upon award of contract at the lat-
est. A guarantee as to the attributes or durability that results in strict lia-
bility shall only apply where Lumberg has expressly guaranteed details of
attributes or durability in writing.
5. Goods which were claimed to be defective shall not be subjected to fur-
ther treatment. If claims for defects are justified, Lumberg shall be liable
for the expenses for dispatch and packaging of the goods returned and
the new delivery. Rework performed without authorization by Lumberg
and the improper treatment shall result in the loss of justified claims for
6. In all cases, Lumberg shall be granted the opportunity for subsequent
compliance within a reasonable period. Compensation claims under the
terms of art. VI may only be asserted by the Purchaser where subsequent
compliance was not rendered.
7. If the supplementary performance fails, the Purchaser may – irrespective
of potential claims for compensation as specified in art. VI – withdraw
from the contract or reduce payment.
8. Claims for defects shall not be deemed justified in case of inconsiderable
deviations from the properties stipulated or in the case of inconsiderable
impairment of usability only. In addition claims for defects shall not apply
in case of natural wear or damage which – after the transfer of risk – may
arise from improper or negligent handling, excessive use, inappropriate
working materials or due to special external influences not provided for
under to the contract. If the Purchaser or any third party perform improp-
er modifications or repair work, no claim for compensation can be lodged
for consequences resulting from them.
9. In the case of notifications of material defects, payments by the Purchaser
may be withheld to an extent commensurate with the material defects
established. However, the Purchaser may only withhold payments where
there is clear justification for a material defect being asserted. Where the
notification of defect is unjustified, Lumberg shall be entitled to demand
compensation from the Purchaser for expenses incurred.
10. Purchaser's claims for expenditure which were necessary to effect post-
delivery performance, e.g. the costs of transport, road, work and materi-
al, shall be excluded if expenses are increased because the object of deliv-
ery has been taken to a location different from the Purchaser's; this shall
not apply if such a transport is in compliance with the intended use.
11. Claims based on the legal right of recourse by the Purchaser against Lum -
berg shall only exist to the extent that the Purchaser had not come to an
agreement with his end customer beyond the legal claims for defects. In
addition, art. V no. 10 shall also apply to the extent of the Purchaser's
right of recourse against Lumberg.
12. Further, art. VI (further claims for compensation) shall be applicable to
claims for damages. Further claims by the Purchaser or other claims than
those governed by these art. V and VI lodged by the Purchaser against
Lumberg and its vicarious agents that are based on a material defect,
shall be excluded.
13. The limitation period for claims for defects is twelve (12) months as of the
transfer of risk.
14. The limitation period in the case of a delivery recourse pursuant to
Sections 478, 479 BGB (German Civil Code) is not affected; the period is
five (5) years starting as of delivery of the defective items.
VI. Claims for Compensation
1. Claims for compensation and expenses by the Purchaser – irrespective of
the legal basis – particularly on account of culpa in contrahendo, other
breaches of contractual duty or tort liability for replacement of physical
damage pursuant to Section 823 BGB (German Civil Code), shall be
2. The limitation pursuant to no. (1) applies also insofar as the Purchaser,
instead of a claim for replacement of the physical damage demands the
replacement of frustrated expenses.
3. Lumberg shall be unlimitedly liable under the legal regulations for injury
to life, limb and health resulting from an intentional or negligent breach
of duty on the part of Lumberg, its legal representatives or vicarious
agents, and for damage covered by liability under the Product Liability
Act. Lumberg shall also be liable for all damage in connection with inten-
tional or grossly negligent contractual violations, including fraudulent
intent on the part of its legal representatives and vicarious agents.
Insofar as Lumberg is not accused of an intentional breach of contract,
the liability for damages is limited to the foreseeable damage that typi-
cally occurs.
4. Where Lumberg has provided a guarantee as to the quality or durability
of the goods or parts thereof, Lumberg shall also be liable in respect of
this guarantee. However, Lumberg shall only be liable for damage which
is based on the absence of the guaranteed attributes or durability but
which is not directly connected with the goods in question where the risk
of such damage is clearly understood from the guarantee as to attributes
or durability.
5. Lumberg shall also be liable for damage caused by slight negligence
where this negligence concerns the violation of central contractual obli-
gations. The same shall apply where the Purchaser is entitled to claims for
compensation in lieu of performance. However, Lumberg shall only be
liable where the damage is typically linked to the contract and the fore-
seeable. The regulations above do not provide for an amendment to the
burden of proof to the disadvantage of Purchaser.